Gaya Presiden Obama Pimpin Rapat di Ruang Kerjanya

Photos of Obama with His Foot on the Oval Office`s Desk

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Gaya Presiden Obama Pimpin Rapat di Ruang Kerjanya
Gaya Presiden AS Barack Obama memimpin rapat di Ruang Oval, begitu pula dengan mantan Presiden George W Bush (kanan) Foto2: Mail Online

FOTO-FOTO resmi Gedung Putih memperlihatkan Presiden AS Barack Obama dengan kaki di atas meja telah menciptakan mini-pusaran kecemasan sayap kanan. Aksi serupa diperlihatkan Presiden George W. Bush.

Meja tersebut merupakan hadiah dari Ratu Inggris Victoria pada 1880, dibuat kayuyang berasal dari Kapal Penyelamat Antartika HMS Resolute, dan Obama difoto dengan sepatunya atas meja pada berbagai kesempatan.

"Lihat foto Drudge Report dari Presiden dengan kakinya di atas meja," bunyi pesan melalui twitter dari presenter Fox Business Network Lou Dobbs. ´Foto dari Gedung Putih menyiratkan foto itu adalah penampilan yang keren."

Kontributor National Review Greg Pollowitz mendukung gaya Obama lulus, tetapi menyesalkan selera pada mebel yang kalah keren dari presiden Demokrat lainnya, seperti dilansir Mail Online.

"Saya pikir itu bukan masalah besar ketika Obama menaruh kakinya di atas meja," tulisnya di Twitter, ´dengan mempertimbangkan hal serupa dilakukan Clinton."

THE latest official White House photograph showing President Barack Obama with his foot on his desk has created a mini-maelstrom of right-wing angst. So had President George W. Bush.

The desk in question was a gift from Britain´s Queen Victoria in 1880, crafted from the timbers of the sunken Arctic Rescue Ship the HMS Resolute, and Obama has been snapped with his shoes atop its surface on several occasions.

´Check out Drudge Report pic of the President with his foot on the desk,´ Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs tweeted. ´The White House released it mistakenly thinking it´s a cool image.´

National Review contributor Greg Pollowitz was willing to give Obama a pass, but only because his furniture abuse was less egregious than that of another Democratic president.

´I really don´t think it´s a big deal that Obama had his foot on the "Resolute" desk,´ he wrote on Twitter, ´considering what Clinton did to it.´