Robert De Niro Dukung Hillary Clinton jadi Presiden AS

De Niro Backs Hillary Clinton for President

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Robert De Niro Dukung Hillary Clinton jadi Presiden AS
Aktor Robert de Niro bersama Hillary Clinton (Foto: MailOnline)

ROBERT DE NIRO mengatakan Hillary Clinton harus menjadi presiden, dia bersikeras Hillary memiliki ´banyak kelebihan´ untuk pantas dipilih.

Legenda Hollywood, 71, yang telah menjadi pendukung setia Partai Demokrat, mengatakan jika mantan Menteri Luar Negeri itu terpilih ke Gedung Putih bukanlah sesuatu yang ´mengejutkan´.

Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Daily Beast, aktor pemeran utama film Goodfellas mengatakan ia telah berbakti pada negara untuk mendapatkan kesempatan tersebut, seraya menambahkan: "Sesederhana itu. Dan dia wanita, yang sangat penting karena dia mampu bertindak tepat seperti yang kita butuhkan saat ini."

Dia bergabung dengan produser Amerika dan pendiri Tribeca Film Festival Jane Rosenthal, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Dia juga memberikan dukungan bagi mantan First Lady, katanya: "Dia cerdas, telah melaksanakan hal-hal penting, dan tahu bagaimana mengelola pemerintahan dan bagaimana mencari solusi terbaik."

"Dia telah menyaksikannya dari pinggir lapangan, maupun di garis depan."

De Niro bergabung untuk mendukung Clinton Desember tahun lalu dan mereka berdua mendapat kehormatan pada gala tahunan di Robert F Kennedy Center untuk Keadilan dan Hak Asasi Manusia.

Aktivitas politik De Niro bukanlah hal baru. Pada 2006, saat mempromosikan film The Good Shepherd, ia muncul di Hardball menentang Matt Damon di George Mason University di Fairfax, Virginia.

Host Chris Matthews bertanya pada De Niro apakah ia berkeinginan menjadi presiden di masa depan.

Aktor veteran menjawab: "Well, saya pikir dua orang. Hillary Clinton dan Obama ´

Sambil terus membangun karir film yang bintang, ia juga menjadi donor bagi partai Demokrat

Pada 2012, ia menjadi tuan rumah makan malam senilai US$25.000 per orang di Gedung Putih bersama Michelle Obama untuk mengumpulkan dana bagi upaya pemilihan kembali Barack Obama.

ROBERT DE NIRO has said Hillary Clinton should be president, insisting she has ´earned the right´ to be elected.

The Hollywood legend, 71, who has been a long-time supporter of the Democratic Party, said if the former Secretary of State is voted into the White House there will be ´no surprises´.

In an interview with the Daily Beast, the Goodfellas star said she had paid her dues, adding: ´It’s that simple. And she’s a woman, which is very important because her take on things may be what we need right now.´

He was joined by American producer and Tribeca Film Festival co-founder Jane Rosenthal.

She also gave her backing to the ex-First Lady, saying: ´She’s smart, has run things before, and knows how government works and how to get things done.

´She’s watched it from the sidelines, and the frontlines.´

De Niro joined Clinton last December was they were both honored at the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights annual gala.

His political punditry however is not something new. In 2006, while promoting The Good Shepherd, he appeared on Hardball opposite Matt Damon at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

Host Chris Matthews asked De Niro who he would like to be president in the future.

The veteran actor replied: ´Well, I think of two people: Hillary Clinton and Obama.´

While continuing to build his stellar film career, he has also become a donor for the Democratic party

In 2012, he hosted a $25,000-a-head dinner at the White House with Michelle Obama to raise funds for Barack Obama´s re-election effort.