Pangeran Charles dan Obama Bersama 70 Pemimpin Dunia Hadiri Pemakaman Shimon Peres

Prince Charles and Obama Join 70 World Leaders for State Funeral of Former Israeli PM

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Pangeran Charles dan Obama Bersama 70 Pemimpin Dunia Hadiri Pemakaman Shimon Peres
Presiden Palestina Mahmoud Abbas dan pemimpin senior Palestina lainnya duduk di barisan depan - isyarat simbolis di pemakaman seorang pemimpin yang berjasa demi mengakhiri konflik Israel-Palestina (Foto2: The Sun)

UPACARA pemakaman untuk mantan presiden Israel Shimon Peres berlangsung di Yerusalem, yang dihadiri oleh para pemimpin dan kepala negara dari seluruh dunia.

Sekitar 6.000 orang menghadiri acara tersebut - termasuk Presiden AS Barack Obama, mantan Presiden AS Bill Clinton dan Presiden Palestina Mahmoud Abbas.

Presiden Abbas disambut para pejabat Israel, memeluk beberapa anggota keluarga Peres'dan berjabat tangan dengan para pejabat dan pelayat.

Abbas dan pemimpin senior Palestina lainnya duduk di barisan depan - isyarat simbolis di pemakaman seorang pria yang melakukan banyak hal demi mengakhiri konflik Israel-Palestina.

Peres - yang juga menjabat sebagai perdana menteri (PM) semasa hidupnya - dianugerahi Hadiah Nobel Perdamaian pada 1994 atas perannya dalam negosiasi perjanjian perdamaian Oslo dengan Palestina pada tahun sebelumnya.

Kesepakatan itu secara luas dianggap sebagai kesepakatan damai terbaik yang pernah dibuat untuk mencapai perdamaian abadi.

Juga hadir Pangeran Charles, yang terlihat berbaur dengan tamu penting lain, termasuk Presiden Prancis Francois Hollande.

Menteri Luar Negeri Boris Johnson juga hadir, memakai kippah - topi tradisional khas  tradisional Yahudi - seperti dikenakan tamu lainnya.

Dan PM Kanada Justin Trudeau juga hadir, bersama mantan Presiden AS Bill Clinton.

Clinton tampak memberi penghormatan terakhir di depan peti mati kemarin ketika jenazah Peres 'disemayamkan di gedung parlemen Israel, Knesset, di Yerusalem.

Namun satu orang penting berhalangan hadir yakni istri Bill Clinton, calon presiden dari Partai Demokrat, Hillary.

Kehadiran sejumlah pemimpin dunia pada upacara pemamakan tersebut memicu kekhawatiran dari serangan teror, sehingga aparat keamanan melakukan pengamanan ketat.

Polisi Israel mengatakan 8.000 polisi telah dikerahkan untuk menjaga ketertiban selama upacara pemakaman seperti dilansir The Sun.

THE FUNERAL service for ex-Israeli president Shimon Peres is underway in Jerusalem, attended by leaders and heads of state from around the world.

Some 6,000 people are attending the event – including US President Barack Obama, former US President Bill Clinton and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

President Abbas greeted Israeli officials, hugging some members of Peres’ family and shaking hands with officials and mourners.

Abbas and other senior Palestinians were given a front row seat – a symbolic gesture at the funeral of a man who did much to reach out and end the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Peres – who also served as PM in his lifetime – was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for his role in negotiating the Oslo peace accords with the Palestinians the previous year.

The deal is widely considered to be the closest the two sides have ever come to a lasting peace agreement.

Also in attendance was Prince Charles, who was seen mingling with the other guests, including French President Francois Hollande.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson was also pictured, wearing a traditional Jewish kippah – or skullcap – like many of the other attendees.

And Canadian PM Justin Trudeau was seen, alongside former US President Bill Clinton who returned for the second day in a row.

Clinton was pictured paying his respects next to the casket yesterday as Peres’ body lay in state next to the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, in Jerusalem.

But one person who won’t be attending is Bill’s wife, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

She appeared to go back on an initial suggestion that she would pay her respects in person – instead opting to focus on the campaign trail.

The mass of world leaders in attendance at the event sparked fears of a terror attack, prompting a massive security operation.

Israeli police said 8,000 police officers had been deployed to maintain order during the mourning period.