Bom Bunuh Diri ISIS Tewaskan 28 Warga di Suruc, Turki

28 People Killed as ISIS Suicide Bomber at Suruc in Southern Turkey

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Bom Bunuh Diri ISIS Tewaskan 28 Warga di Suruc, Turki
Foto2: MailOnline

SEDIKITNYA 28 orang tewas akibat bom bunuh diri ISIS yang meledak di sebuah pusat kebudayaan di selatan Turki.

Ledakan besar itu menghantam kota Suruc, dekat perbatasan Turki dengan Suriah.

Suruc dekat dengan Kobane, kota yang dikuasai pasukan Kurdi Suriah yang gigih berjuang melawan ISIS.

Para pejabat meyakini ledakan pada Selasa disebabkan oleh pembom bunuh diri ISIS.

Ledakan terjadi setelah Turki melakukan upaya serius pertama untuk memerangi teroris.

Penyebab ledakan di kota - yang terletak di seberang pusat perlawanan Kurdi Suriah di Kobane - meski belum diketahui secara jelas tetapi pejabat setempat meyakini bom bunuh diri tersebut akibat perbuatan militan ISIS.

Beberapa media Turki melaporkan korban jiwa dan stasiun televisi swasta NTV mengatakan sedikitnya 20 orang tewas dan sekitar 100 luka-luka.

Saksi mata mengatakan kebakaran terjadi setelah ledakan kuat yang menghancurkan jendela gedung, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

AT LEAST 28 people killed as ISIS suicide bomber blows himself up at a cultural centre in southern Turkey

Massive blast hit the city of Suruc, close to Turkey's border with Syria.

Suruc is near to Kobane, where Syrian Kurdish forces are still battling ISIS.

Officials believe today's explosion was caused by an ISIS suicide bomber.

Blast comes after Turkey made its first serious efforts to combat terrorists.

The cause of the blast in the town - which lies opposite the Syrian flashpoint of Kobane - was not immediately clear but officials believe it is likely to have been the work of ISIS militants.

Several Turkish media reported fatalities and private television station NTV said at least 20 people had been killed and about 100 wounded.

Witnesses said fire broke out after the strong explosion which smashed the windows of the building.