Helikopter Jatuh di Rumah Penduduk di Sao Paulo, Brazil, Lima Tewas

Five Killed after Helicopter being Flown into Sao Paulo House

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Helikopter Jatuh di Rumah Penduduk di Sao Paulo, Brazil, Lima Tewas
Menurut laporan pesawat itu tengah melakukan uji terbang sebelum kecelakaan setelah mengganti rotor baling-baling helikopter (Foto: MailOnline)

LIMA ORANG, termasuk anak gubernur Sao Paulo, tewas setelah helikopter menabrak sebuah rumah di kota Brasil.

Menurut pejabat setempat, pilot Thomaz Alckmin, anak Geraldo Alckmin, adalah salah satu korban setelah helikopter jatuh turun di pemukiman penduduk.

Kecelakaan itu terjadi di daerah Carapicuiba di pinggiran Sao Paulo pada sekitar 17:20 waktu setempat, Kamis.

Laporan televisi menunjukkan rekaman udara petugas pemadam kebakaran bekerja di lokasi kecelakaan, yang dipenuhi puing-puing dari helikopter, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Tidak ada penghuni rumah saat kecelakaan terjadi, tampak atap rumah hancur setelah tertabrak helikopter.

Petugas terlihat mengevakuasi warga dari lokasi kecelakaan. Hal ini diketahui kemudian rumah tersebut sedang dalam masa pembangunan.

Pihak berwenang mengatakan mereka sedang menyelidiki penyebab kecelakaan itu.

Menurut laporan pesawat itu tengah melakukan uji terbang sebelum kecelakaan setelah mengganti rotor baling-baling helikopter.

Hal ini dapat dipahami atas keberadaan tiga mekanik, serta pilot, di antara yang tewas.

FIVE PEOPLE, including the son of the governor of Sao Paulo, have died after a helicopter crashed into a house in the Brazilian city.  

According to official sources pilot Thomaz Alckmin, son of Geraldo Alckmin, was one of the victims after the aircraft came down in a residential neighborhood.

The crash happened in the Carapicuiba area on the outskirts of Sao Paulo at around 5.20pm local time yesterday.

Television reports showed aerial footage of firefighters working on the crash scene, which was strewn with the shattered remnants of the helicopter.

No one was thought to have been in the house, the roof of which had been devastated by the impact.

Officers could be seen evacuating residents from the area. It is also understood the damaged house was under construction.

Authorities said they were investigating the cause of the crash.

According to reports the aircraft was making a test flight after the exchange of a main rotor blade.

It is understood three mechanics, as well as the pilot, were among the dead.