Kendalikan Mobil Anda dengan Lima Aplikasi Terbaik

Take Control of Your Cars with Best Five Apps

Reporter : Roni Said
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Kendalikan Mobil Anda dengan Lima Aplikasi Terbaik
Aplikasi 1-5 dari kiri ke kanan dan bawah interior dan eksterior Nissan Leaf (Foto2: Cnet)

KENDALIKAN mobil Anda dari jarak jauh, isi baterai EV, putar musik dan tetapkan tujuan melalui aplikasi yang dipasang di dashboard mobil sebagai pengaturnya.

OK, Anda tentu tidak bisa mengemudikan BMW dengan ponsel seperti James Bond di film Tomorrow Never Dies tapi ada banyak aplikasi yang dapat membantu mengendalikan mobil melalui smartphone dan koneksi data.

Mulai dari penetapan tujuan di sistem navigasi Toyota dengan Entune untuk membuka pintu dari jarak jauh maupun dengan GM OnStar RemoteLink, dan di sini Cnet menampilkan beberapa aplikasi pengendali mobil terbaik.

Berikut lima aplikasi pengontrol kendaraan roda empat seperti dirangkum Antuan Goodwin dari CNET.

1. OnStar RemoteLink ((Android, iOS, BlackBerry)
Aplikasi yang dioperasikan di ponsel pintar Android, iOS, dan Blackberry ini dibuat pabrikan General Motors khususnya untuk merek Chevrolet. "Dengan aplikasi ini, Anda dapat mengendalikan pintu mobil untuk mengunci atau membuka kunci, menghidupkan atau mematikan mesin kendaraan, dan membunyikan klakson," kata Goodwin. Selain itu, OnStar Remote Link juga dapat mengontrol lampu mobil yang bermanfaat ketika sang pemilik kebingungan mencari kendaraannya di area parkir yang padat.

Saat mengemudikan kendaraan berbahan bakar bensin, aplikasi itu dapat digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat bahan bakar serta tekanan ban. Dan, jika dipakai untuk mobil listrik Chevrolet Volt, aplikasi itu dapat digunakan untuk mengontrol pengisian baterai beserta penjadwalan pengisian berikutnya.

2. Toyota Entune (Android, iOS)
Pabrikan mobil Toyota mengembangkan aplikasi pengontrol mobil untuk platform Android dan iOS.

Dengan Bing yang terintegrasi, aplikasi ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk mencari dan menyimpan tujuan di ponsel dan mengakses hasil pencarian itu di mobil. Aplikasi Toyota Entune juga mempunyai fitur OpenTable dan MovieTickets yang menawarkan reservasi rumah makan dan bioskop dari dashboard mobil.

Ketika diaplikasikan untuk Toyota Prius Plug-in, aplikasi itu mampu mengontrol pengisian baterai, mengontrol kondisi mesin, dan menentukan lokasi kendaraan di peta.

3. BMW Connected and Mini Connected (iOS)
Aplikasi yang dioperasikan di platform iOS Apple itu merupakan versi pembaruan dari aplikasi sebelumnya dengan sejumlah perbedaan.

Kedua aplikasi dari produsen mobil asal Jerman itu mampu mengakses berbagai situs media jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, dan Foursquare selain fungsi-fungsi dasar seperti navigasi, pemutar musik dan radio.

Di aplikasi Mini Connected, fitur Dynamic Music mampu menyesuaikan musik dan tingkat suara berdasarkan gaya dan perilaku mengemudi.

4. Nissan Leaf app (Android, iOS)
Aplikasi dari Nissan itu agaknya lebih ditujukan bagi mobil listrik Nissan Leaf dibanding jenis mobil Nissan lain.

Pengguna aplikasi dapat meninjau tingkat baterai dan memperkirakan jarak tempuh, menjadwalkan waktu pengisian baterai, atau menumpuk jadwal pengisian baterai untuk pengisian segera. Pengguna aplikasi di sistem operasi Android dan iOS itu juga dapat memanfaatkan sistem pengatur suhu mesin yang disesuaikan dengan cuaca ketika berkendara.

5. Hyundai Blue Link (Android, iOS)
Aplikasi dari produsen mobil asal Korea Selatan ini termasuk baru dan hanya terdapat di tujuh tipe dari 14 tipe kendaraan baru Hyundai. Dari aplikasi, pengguna dapat membunyikan klakson, mengunci dan membuka kunci pintu mobil, menyalakan mesin dan lampu depan, serta mencari tempat tujuan dan menyimpannya untuk sistem navigasi mobil.

REMOTELY start your vehicle, charge your EV´s battery, and beam music and destinations to your car´s dashboard with these car commanding apps.

OK, so you you can´t remotely drive a BMW with a phone like James Bond does in "Tomorrow Never Dies," but there are plenty of real apps that will let you take control of your car and its tech with little more than your smartphone and a data connection.

From beaming destinations to your Toyota´s navigation system with Entune to remotely unlocking your doors with GM´s OnStar RemoteLink, we´ve rounded up a few of the best car-controlling apps.

1. OnStar RemoteLink (Android, iOS, BlackBerry)
When many people think about General Motors´ OnStar telematics service, they think about the little blue button on the rearview mirror, but that´s only one part of the picture. The other half is the sweet OnStar Remote Link. With this app, you can remotely lock and unlock your doors, start or stop your vehicle´s engine, and honk the horn and flash the lights to help you locate your ride in a crowded parking lot. A vehicle finder shows you where your car is on a map. You can also search for destinations and send them to your car´s OnStar system for turn-by-turn navigation.

When used with a gasoline-powered vehicle, you can view your fuel levels and monitor your tire pressure from the app. Pair the app with a Chevrolet Volt and you can also monitor the RE-EV´s battery level and adjust your charging schedule.

2. Toyota Entune (Android, iOS)
With Bing built-in, Toyota´s Entune app lets search for and save destinations on your phone and access them upon returning to your car. Further in-dash integration with Bing search allows you to check the Web using your smartphone´s data connection for local destinations that may not be in the car´s onboard database.

The OpenTable app and integration let you make reservations at local restaurants and order movie tickets, respectively, from your car´s dashboard. iHeartRadio lets you stream local radio stations from around the world, and Pandora Radio allows you to stream algorithm-generated stations based on your favorite songs and artists.

Toyota´s Prius Plug-in´s Entune system is unique in that it unlocks the ability to manage the vehicle´s charging, activate remote climate controls, and locate your vehicle on a map.

3. BMW Connected and Mini Connected (iOS)
In many ways, the BMW and Mini Connected iOS apps are rebranded versions of the same app with a few differences that are unique to the two marquees. However, those differences are significant enough that I don´t feel like I´m cheating by counting them twice.

Both apps let you access Facebook and Twitter data from your dashboard, listen to news and Web radio through your car´s speakers, send Google Maps destinations to your car´s navigation system, continue navigating on foot once you´ve parked your car, and check in through Foursquare once you get there.

The Mini Connected version has a few unique features including a Dynamic Music mode that generates music based on your driving style and behaviors. Drive faster to add to the song, activate your turn signal to add a cymbal to the mix. There´s also a sort of amusing, kind of annoying Mission Control feature that gives your vehicle´s various systems personalities and chatty voices.

4. Nissan Leaf app (Android, iOS)
Managing your battery is of the utmost importance for a fully electric vehicle like the Nissan Leaf, so Nissan has equipped every Leaf with its Carwings telematics connection and gives drivers access to a free Nissan Leaf app to interface with that connection. Using the Nissan Leaf app, users can check their battery state and estimated driving range, schedule charging times to take advantage of the best electrical rates, or override a charging schedule for immediate charging.

Since using the climate control system has a significant effect on the Leaf´s range, users can also activate or schedule the system to operate remotely, preheating or cooling the vehicle using power from the grid.

5. Hyundai Blue Link (Android, iOS)
Hyundai´s Blue Link telematics system is pretty new -- only making an appearance on seven of the automaker´s current lineup of 14 vehicles -- but its still fairly fully featured. From the app, users can honk their Hyundai´s horn, lock and unlock its doors, remotely start the engine, and flash the headlamps. You can also search for points of interest for saving and transferring to your car´s turn-by-turn navigation system.