Ronaldo jadi Bintang Iklan Alat Facial Jepang

Ronaldo and Japanese Facial Workout Device

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Ronaldo jadi Bintang Iklan Alat Facial Jepang
Ronaldo in action dengan alat facial Jepang (Foto2: MailOnline)

DIA terkenal karena keahliannya di lapangan, tapi kini Cristiano Ronaldo punya bakat baru lebih dari sekadar sepak bola.

Pesepakbola dengan bayaran tertinggi di dunia ini tidak bisa menolak tawaran dari perusahaan Jepang untuk mempromosikan alat peregang untuk masker wajah, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Ronaldo, 29, yang kini bermain untuk Real Madrid, muncul dalam video unik durasi 30 detik untuk mempromosikan perangkat yang digigit di mulut lalu diayun-ayun dan dinamai Facial Fitness Pao.

Namun di video tersebut, Ronaldo bukan menampilkan standar pemakaian, tidak digigit di mulut, malahan tampil dengan senyuman kemenangan dan bermain bola.

Deskripsi produk di website perusahaan mengatakan gerakan unik tersebut akan melatih otot-otot wajah Anda dan menjaga senyum Anda - seperti Ronaldo.

Video, yang telah di-upload ke YouTube, telah dilihat hampir 1 juta kali.

Ronaldo, yang merayakan kemenangan timnya meraih trofi ke-10 Liga Champions yang dijuluki 'La Decima' - tidak asing dengan tawaran iklan aneka produk.

Awal tahun ini ia muncul di sampul depan Vogue tanpa busana tapi kekasihnya Irina Shayk berdiri di depannya untuk menutupi aksi bugilnya.

HE IS renowned for his skills on the pitch, but now Cristiano Ronaldo has revealed his talents stretch further than football.

The highest paid footballer in the world couldn't resist the chance to show off after a Japanese manufacturer asked him to promote their facial exerciser ball.

Ronaldo, 29, who plays for Real Madrid, appears in a bizarre 30-second video advertising the Facial Fitness Pao which involves nodding excitedly while biting down on a ball.

But Ronaldo does appear to have some standards, and instead of putting it in his mouth, he gives it his winning grin and does a few kick-ups before letting the others do the hard work.

The product description on the company’s website says the movement will exercise your facial muscles and keep your smile bright – just like Ronaldo’s.

The video, which has been uploaded to YouTube, has already had nearly one million hits.

Ronaldo, who celebrated in May when his team landed the Holy Grail of ‘La Decima’ – their tenth European championship, is no stranger to scoring advertising deals.

Earlier this year he appeared on the front cover of Vogue with nothing but his girlfriend Irina Shayk to cover his modesty.

But the sex god image he has so carefully maintained may have gone out of the window in this embarrassing video.