Apple Diledek Luncurkan ´Produk Lawas Kemasan Baru´ di Media Sosial

´Dear iPhone Users, Welcome to 2012!´ Apple`s Rival Mock New Handset`s

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Apple Diledek Luncurkan ´Produk Lawas Kemasan Baru´ di Media Sosial
Antrian panjang pencinta produk Apple antri di depan kantor cabang Apple di New York, AS (Foto2: MailOnline)

REAKSI sinis diarahkan terhadap iPhone 6 dan iPhone 6, dan Apple dituding sekadar mengejar ketinggalan dengan rival utamanya seperti Samsung dan HTC, daripada memimpin pengembangan teknologi komunikasi bergerak.

Sebuah foto berjudul 'Pengguna iPhone yang terhormat: Selamat Datang di 2012' dan tersebar luas melalui internet, yang memuat sederet daftar fitur terbaru Apple yang lebih setahun lalu tersedia di ponsel Android. Intinya, 'Apple ketinggalan jaman.'

Namun reaksi terhadap Apple Watch, serta sistem pembayaran mobile versi Apple Pay, lebih positif - meski Apple tidak menampik bahwa gadget ini harus diisi ulang setiap malam, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

iPhone 6 memiliki layar 4,7 inci, seperti halnya HTC One dan Amazon Fire Phone.

iPhone 6 Plus mengusung layar 5,5 inci, masuk kategori gadget yang sama seperti Samsung Galaxy Note dan Galaxy Ujung S5.

Demikian pula, banyak perangkat Android memiliki fitur Apple NFC (near field communication) chip untuk menggesek-pembayaran sejak 2012, serta aplikasi keyboard, yang akan disematkan pada Apple iOS 8.

REACTION to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus has been lukewarm, and many people have accused Apple of playing catch up with rivals such as Samsung and HTC, rather than leading the way.

An image titled 'Dear iPhone 6 users: Welcome to 2012' has even gone viral, which lists many of Apple's latest features that have existed on Android phones for years.

But reaction to the Apple Watch, as well as the tech firm’s mobile payment system Apple Pay, has been much more positive - despite the firm's admission that the gadget will need to be recharged every night.

The iPhone 6 has a 4.7-inch screen, as does the HTC One and Amazon's Fire phone.

The iPhone 6 Plus has a 5.5-inch screen, putting it in the same league as the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge and Galaxy S5.

Similarly, many Android devices have featured Apple's NFC (near field communication) chips for swipe-payment since 2012, as well as keyboard apps, which will be new to Apple devices through iOS 8.