Obama adalah Muslim, kata 30% Responden Jajak Pendapat CNN

CNN Poll Revealed Nearly 30 Percent of Americans Still Think Obama is Muslim

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Obama adalah Muslim, kata 30% Responden Jajak Pendapat CNN
Presiden AS Barack Obama (Foto: MailOnline)

HAMPIR 30% warga Amerika Serikat masih berpikir Presiden Barack Obama adalah Muslim, dan 20% bahkan tidak percaya ia lahir di Amerika Serikat, seperti terungkap dari hasil jajak pendapat.

Dan lebih dari setengah pendukung Donald Trump meyakini Obama adalah seorang Muslim, seperti halnya 43% dari Partai Republik, menurut jajak pendapat yang dilakukan oleh CNN dan ORC International.

Trump sangat vokal dan skeptis mengenai kewarganegaraan Obama dan pada 2011 sementara Gedung Putih menanggapi serius tudingan tersebut dengan melansir sertifikat kelahiran Presiden.

Pada April 2011, Obama merilis sertifikat akta kelahiran yang menunjukkan ia lahir di Rumah Sakit Kapiolani Honolulu pada 4 Agustus 1961.

Meskipun teori konspirasi dan pernyataan terbaru Trump bahwa dia masih menyangsikan kebenaran apakah Obama lahir di AS, 80% warga dewasa yang disurvei percaya ia dilahirkan di Amerika.

Ketika mereka ditanya 'Di mana Barack Obama lahir, sejauh yang Anda tahu?', Hampir 60 persen menjawab dengan tepat: Hawaii atau Honolulu.

Empat persen mengatakan mereka percaya Obama lahir di Afrika, dengan yang lain menspesifikasikan empat persen mereka percaya ia dilahirkan di Kenya, negara asal dari ayah preside, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Satu persen orang Amerika percaya presiden lahir di Timur Tengah.

Warga dewasa yang disurvei yang mengatakan mereka tidak berpikir Obama berasal dari Amerika Serikat, hanya sembilan persen percaya ada sebenarnya bukti kuat untuk membuktikan klaim mereka. 11 persen lainnya mengatakan itu hanya kecurigaan mereka.

Hanya 39 persen orang Amerika menjawab bahwa mereka percaya Obama adalah penganut Kristen ketika mereka ditanya, "Apakah Anda kebetulan tahu apa agama Barack Obama? Apakah dia Protestan, Katolik, Yahudi, Mormon, Muslim, sesuatu yang lain, atau tidak beragama?"

Menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, tiga dari 10 orang dewasa meyakini Obama adalah Muslim, empat persen lainnya menjawab bahwa ia adalah Katolik, dua persen mengatakan dia Mormon, dan 11 persen orang Amerika tidak percaya dia beragama.

Enam puluh satu persen orang dewasa percaya Obama adalah penganut Kristen dari Demokrat.

Rumor bahwa Obama diam-diam menjalani ibadah Islam pertama kali terlontar ketika dia mengikuti pemilihan Senat pada 2004.

Obama, yang dibaptis dan mengatakan berdoa setiap hari, secara terbuka membahas pertanyaan tentang agamanya pada sejumlah kesempatan.

"Saya menganut Kristen karena pilihan," kata presiden pada 2010 saat sesi tanya jawab di New Mexico.

'Keluarga saya bukan, terus terang saja, mereka bukan orang-orang yang pergi ke gereja setiap minggu. Dan ibu saya adalah salah satu orang yang paling religius setahu saya, tapi dia tidak membesarkan saya di gereja."

"Jadi saya memilih masuk Kristen di kemudian hari, dan itu karena ajaran Kristen mengajarkan kepada saya tentang kehidupan yang saya inginkan untuk menjadi pemimpin."

Saya pikir pelayanan publik saya adalah bagian dari upaya untuk mengungkapkan iman Kristen saya.

NEARLY 30 percent of Americans still think President Barack Obama is Muslim, and 20 percent don't even believe he was born in the United States, a new poll has revealed.

And more than half of Donald Trump's supporters believe Obama is a Muslim, as do 43 percent of Republicans, according to the poll conducted by CNN and ORC International.

Trump has been very vocal about his skepticism regarding Obama's citizenship and in 2011 while considering a tilt at the White House managed to get the president to release his long form birth certificate - seen at the time as a victory for the property billionaire.

In April 2011 Obama released a certified long-form birth certificate that showed he was born at Honolulu's Kapiolani Hospital on August 4, 1961.

Despite the conspiracy theorists and Trump's recent statement that he still doesn't really know if Obama was born in the U.S., 80 percent of surveyed adults do believe he was born in the country.

When they were asked 'Where was Barack Obama born, as far as you know?', nearly 60 percent answered with Hawaii or Honolulu.

Four percent said they believed Obama was born in Africa, with another four percent specifying they believed he was born in Kenya, which is where the president's father was from.

One percent of Americans believe the president was born in the Middle East.

Of the surveyed adults who said they don't think Obama hails from the U.S., only nine percent believe there is actually solid evidence to prove their claim. The other 11 percent said it was merely their suspicion.

Only 39 percent of Americans answered that they believe Obama is Christian when they were asked, 'Do you happen to know what religion Barack Obama is? Is he Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, something else, or not religious?'

Along with the three in 10 adults who believe Obama is Muslim, another four percent answered that he was Catholic, two percent said he was Mormon, and 11 percent of Americans didn't believe he was religious at all.

Sixty-one percent of adults who believe Obama is a Christian were Democrats.

Rumors that Obama was secretly a practicing Muslim first began all the way back in 2004 during his campaign for the Senate.

Obama, who was baptized and says his prays every day, has publicly addressed questions regarding his religion on a number of occasions.

'I'm a Christian by choice,' the president said in 2010 during a question and answer session in New Mexico.

'My family didn't, frankly, they weren't folks who went to church every week. And my mother was one of the most spiritual people I knew, but she didn't raise me in the church.'

'So I came to my Christian faith later in life, and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead.'

I think my public service is part of that effort to express my Christian faith.