Pose Setengah Bugil Tentara Wanita Israel

Female Israeli Soldiers Pictures Only in Their Underwear

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Pose Setengah Bugil Tentara Wanita Israel
Tentara wanita Israel bikin heboh setelah tampil setengah bugil di Facebook (Foto2: The Sun)

PRAJURIT wanita yang tampil setengah bugil akhirnya terungkap - setelah aksi jenaka plus erotis di Facebook membuat mereka menjadi berita global.

Foto-foto cabul gadis-gadis yang memelorotkan pakaian militer dilihat dunia dan muncul versi baru yang tidak disensor.

Mereka menanggalkan pakaian militer lalu berpose setengah bugil membuat pejabat tinggi militer Israel mencak-mencak karena ulah mereka, seperti dilansir The Sun.

Namun identitas para tentara wanita tersebut masih belum dirilis.

Mereka dianggap layak menjalani wajib militer, keharusan bagi sebagian besar orang Israel ketika mereka berusia 18 tahun.

Aksi nekat gadis-gadis ini tidak lantas membuka seluruh pakaian mereka dan mem-posting foto-foto kurang ajar mereka di Facebook.

Kali ini mereka hanya pamer dalam celana seraya memegang senapan serbu untuk menutupi payudara mereka.

Dalam salah satu foto cabul lima tentara wanita tampak berdiri topless di kamar barak militer hanya dengan sabuk tempur menutupi payudara mereka.

Di foto lain, tentara rekrutan ini berdiri hanya pakai kutang dan celana dalam, sementara dua lainnya menurunkan celana seragam militer untuk pamer bokongnya yang mulus.

Gambar-gambar semi porno itu langsung membuat jengkel pemimpin militer setelah tahu aksi mereka diunggah melalui Facebook.

Dalam sebuah pernyataan, bos militer mengungkapkan direkrut telah bertindak dengan cara yang "tak pantas" bagi tentara Israel dan telah disiplin dengan cara "komandan melihat pas".

THE racy photos of the girls in their underwear went round the world yesterday but new uncensored versions of the pictures have now emerged.

They stripped off their combats in the snaps that have landed them in hot water with Israeli Army top brass.

But the identities of the soldiers have still not been released.

They are thought to be carrying out national service, compulsory for most Israelis when they turn 18.

Incredibly the brazen girls did not let that put them off and posted more sexy pics of themselves on Facebook.

 This time they showed off in just their knickers holding only assault rifles to cover their modesty.

In one of the raunchy photos five soldiers are shown standing topless in a barracks room with just combat belts covering their boobs.

In another, a recruit stands in a bra and knickers, while two others pull down their trousers to bare their thong-clad backsides.

 The pictures were spotted by furious military chiefs after they found their way onto Facebook.

In a statement, army bosses revealed the recruits had acted in a manner "unbecoming" for Israeli soldiers and had been disciplined in a way "commanding officers saw fitting".