Vokalis Rock Tewas Akibat Kesetrum Listrik di Mikrofon

Rock Band`s Lead Singer Dies on Stage as Electrocuted Singing into Faulty Microphone

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Vokalis Rock Tewas Akibat Kesetrum Listrik di Mikrofon
Agustin Briolini, 21, vokalis Krebs, rock band dari Argentina sebelum tewas akibat kesetrum listrik dari mikrofon yang digunakannya (Foto: mirror.co.uk)

SEORANG penyanyi rock mendadak tewas saat tampil di panggung setelah tersetrum oleh kabel yang rusak di mikrofon.

Agustin Briolini, 21, vokalis Krebs, rock band dari Argentina, jatuh pingsan akibat tersetrum listrik yang menyerang jantungnya.

Paramedis berusaha selama satu jam untuk membuatnya sadar sebelum membawanya ke rumah sakit, di mana ia dinyatakan meninggal.

Rock band ini bermaksud mempromosikan peluncuran album pertama mereka di panggung musik bertajuk Villa Carlos Paz di provinsi Cordoba, seperti dilansir mirror.co.uk.

Drummer Diego Regali, 21, dan gitaris Gustavo Escober, 22, mengatakan mereka tidak percaya apa yang telah terjadi.

Pico Moyano, vokalis dari Iceberg, band lain yang juga tampil di acara tersebut, mengatakan: "Kejadian ini benar-benar tidak masuk akal."

"Kita berada di abad ke-21 dan hal semacam ini mestinya tidak perlu terjadi, saya benar-benar terkejut."

Sebelum meninggal dunia, Agustin menjelaskan bagaimana musik menggairahkan hidupnya.

Dia mengatakan: "Bagi kami, membuat musik adalah proses siklus."

A SINGER died while performing on stage after being electrocuted by faulty wiring in his microphone.

Agustin Briolini, 21, lead singer of Argentinian rock band Krebs, collapsed as the electrical shock stopped his heart.

Medics spent an hour trying to revive him before taking him to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The band had been intending to promote the launch of their first album at the gig in Villa Carlos Paz in the Cordoba province.

Drummer Diego Regali, 21, and guitarist Gustavo Escober, 22, said they could not believe what had happened.

Pico Moyano, lead singer of Iceberg, another band performing at the event, said: "It really defies belief.

"We are in the 21st century and these sort of things should simply not happen, I find it absolutely incredible.

"The band were rising fast and had a huge following locally, they were doing some great work."

Just before he died Agustin explained how music was his life.

He said: "For us, making music is a cyclical process."