Neraka Tiga Jam di Paris, Ini Detail Waktu dan Lokasi Pembantaian

Three Hours of Hell in Paris that Left at Least 127 People Dead and 100 Injured

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Neraka Tiga Jam di Paris, Ini Detail Waktu dan Lokasi Pembantaian
Foto & Ilustrasi: MailOnline

PEMBANTAIAN oleh ISIS di Paris. Prancis diawali dengan tujuh serangan secara berurutan dan berlangsung sekitar tiga jam, mengakibatkan sekitar 127 orang tewas.

Rincian peristiwa berdarah dari dari serangan terkoordinasi dirilis pada Sabtu setelah otoritas setempat mulai mengidentifikasi rincian peristiwa pembantaian yang terjadi pada Jumat malam.

Teror berawal dari ledakan di Stade de France, yang terjadi pada pukul 21:20 waktu setempat. Dalam 40 menit, enam lokasi lainnya di Paris dilanda serangkaian pembunuhan oleh kelompok bersenjata dan serangan bom.

Sumber di kepolisian menjelaskan kepada koran Perancis Le Journal du Dimanche dan Le Monde dengan perkiraan waktu pada setiap serangan, yang melanda ibukota Prancis yang berlangsung hanya dengan jeda beberapa menit satu sama lain.

Sementara penonton yang masih belum sadar pada ledakan pertama di Stade de France, penembakan terhadap pengunjung restoran berlangsung di Rue Alibert, yang berjarak sekitar empat mil jauhnya.

Sejumlah pria bersenjata melepaskan tembakan di restoran Le Carillon dan Le Petit Cambodge restoran pada pukul 21:25. Peristiwa berdarah yang menelan korban juga berlangsung di lokasi kehidupan malam di pusat kota Paris. Dikabarkan 14 korban tewas akibat serangan tersebut.

Empat menit kemudian, pada pukul 21:29, polisi mengatakan ada penembakan di sekitar kawasan Avenue de la Republique, yang berjarak kurang dari setengah mil jauhnya, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Serangan dilaporkan terjadi pula di Casa Nostra pizzeria dan kafe La Bonne Bierre, dengan empat korban tewas.

Sekitar waktu yang sama, bom kedua meledak di Stade de France.

Sembilan menit kemudian, pada 21:38, penembakan mulai berlangsung di bar La Belle Equipe di Rue de Charonne, sekitar setengah mil jauhnya. Sembilan belas korban tewas dilaporkan dari restoran tersebut.

Hal ini tidak jelas apakah beberapa penyerang adalah orang-orang yang sama bergerak dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Sebuah pernyataan yang dilansir Isis mengklaim bertanggung jawab atas serangan mengatakan total ada delapan orang bersenjata.

Dalam waktu lima menit, pada pukul 21:43, seorang pembom bunuh diri menewaskan dirinya di luar Comptoir Voltaire, berjarak satu setengah mil dari serangan sebelumnya. Dia diyakini menjadi satu-satunya korban.

Enam menit berlalu sebelum serangan paling brutal dimulai di teater Bataclan di Boulevard Voltaire, kira-kira jaraknya setengah jalan antara penembakan sebelumnya.

Empat orang bersenjata menyerbu tempat tersebut sementara band rock Eagles of Death Metal berada di panggung.

Saksi mata mengatakan pria bersenjata mulai membantai secara berurutan di tengah kerumunan sekitar 1.500 orang, sebagian dari mereka dijadikan sebagai sandera.

Ketika pembantaian berlangsung di Bataclan, bom ketiga meledak di Stade de France. Sebanyak enam orang - termasuk tiga pembom - diperkirakan tewas.

Insiden terakhir berlangsung di tempat terpisah malam itu, pada serangan di Boulevard Beaumarchais, dilaporkan berlangsung sekitar pukul 10:00. Empat orang diyakini tewas pada serangan tersebut.

Sementara itu korban tewas terus berjatuhan di Bataclan, di mana setidaknya 80 orang tewas. Pada pukul 23:00, penonton di Benjamin Cazenoves menulis bahwa penyandera yang 'membantai semua orang'.

Dalam sebuah posting di laman Facebook-nya, dia mengatakan: "Saya masih di Bataclan. Lantai pertama. Terluka parah ... ada yang selamat."

'Mereka membantai semua orang. Satu per satu. Lantai pertama - berlangsung cepat'!

Polisi berkumpul di luar tempat kejadian tapi tidak dapat langsung ke dalam gedung konser. Namun, setelah jelas penyerang membunuh sandera mereka, mereka menyerbu teater.

Semua kecuali satu dari penyerang diperkirakan telah meledakkan diri ketika polisi menyerbu sekitar pukul 24:00 lewat tengah malam. Salah satu penyerang dikabarkan ditembak oleh polisi sebelum ia mendapat kesempatan.

Dari seluruh rangkaian peristiwa, pembantaian berlangsung total tiga jam - meskipun pihak berwenang  memperingatkan bahwa teror berlangsung lebih tiga jam.

THE ISIS murder spree in Paris started with seven attacks in quick succession and lasted at least three hours, leaving a minimum of 127 people dead.

A more detailed timeline of the coordinated attacks emerged Saturday as authorities began totting up the carnage of the previous night.

The first was an explosion at the Stade de France, which hit at 9:20pm local time. Within 40 minutes, six more locations across Paris had been struck in a slew of shootings and bomb attacks.

Police sources briefed French newspapers Le Journal du Dimanche and Le Monde with precise timings for each attack, which hit across the capital within minutes of one another.

While fans were still reeling from the first explosion at the Stade de France, a spree of restaurant shootings began on the Rue Alibert, around four miles away.

Gunmen opened fire at Le Carillon and Le Petit Cambodge restaurants at 9:25pm. The establishments are opposite one another in a bustling nightlife district of the city. At least 14 deaths were reported from those attacks.

Four minutes later, at 9:29pm, police say there was a shooting around the Avenue de la Republique area, less than half a mile away.

Attacks were reported there at the Casa Nostra pizzeria and La Bonne Bierre cafe, with four deaths.

Around the same time, a second bomb went off at the Stade de France.

Nine minutes later, at 9:38pm, a fresh shooting began at La Belle Equipe bar on the Rue de Charonne, around a mile and a half away. Nineteen deaths were reported from the restaurant.

It is not clear whether some of the attackers were the same men moving from place to place. A Isis statement claiming responsibility for the attacks said there were eight gunmen in total.

Within five minutes, at 9:43pm, a suicide bomber killed himself outside the Comptoir Voltaire, a mile and a half from the previous attack. He is believed to be the only casualty.

Six more minutes passed before the most brutal attack of the evening began at the Bataclan theatre on the Boulevard Voltaire, roughly half way between the previous shootings.

Four gunmen stormed the venue while the Eagles of Death Metal rock band were on stage.

Witnesses said gunmen started methodically killing members of the 1,500-strong crowd, many of whom they were holding as hostages.

As the murder spree in the Bataclan continued, a third bomb was detonated at the Stade de France. As many as six people - including the three bombers - are thought to have died.

The final separate incident of the evening, an attack on Boulevard Beaumarchais, was reported around 10pm. Four people are believed to have died at that attack.

Meanwhile the deaths were continuing at the Bataclan, where at least 80 people were killed in total. At 11pm, spectator Benjamin Cazenoves wrote that the hostage-takers were 'slaughtering everyone'.

In a post to his Facebook page, he said: 'I'm still at the Bataclan. First floor. Badly hurt... there are survivors inside.

'They are slaughtering everybody. One by one. First floor - quickly!'

Police had gathered outside the venue but did not head inside straight away. However, after it became clear the attackers were killing their hostages, they stormed the theater.

All but one of the attackers inside are thought to have blown themselves up when police stormed in at around twenty past midnight. One is said to have been shot by police before he got the chance.

In all, the carnage lasted a total of three hours - though authorities have warned that more gunmen could be on the loose.