Maksud Hati `Selfie` di Snapchat, Malah Terekam Pesawat Jatuh

Teenager Posing for Snapchat Video Captured Plane Crashing into Houses Nextdoor

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Maksud Hati `Selfie` di Snapchat, Malah Terekam Pesawat Jatuh
Pihak berwenang mengatakan pesawat - diyakini jenis Hawker H25 - menghantam kabel listrik dan telepon saat akan mendarat di Bandara Akron Fulton sebelum menabrak gedung apartemen (Foto2: MailOnline)

SAAT pesawat menabrak sederet rumah, menewaskan sedikitnya sembilan orang di Ohio, tanpa disengaja peristiwa kecelakaana tersebut terekam oleh seorang remaja berpose untuk video Snapchat.

Gadis itu duduk di dalam rumahnya di Akron pada Selasa sore dan tersenyum di depan kamera ketika kilatan cahaya memenuhi layar ponselnya.

Dia kemudian berbalik ke kanan, lalu menyadari apa yang terjadi dan kemudian berteriak: 'Ya Tuhan'.

Sebuah pesawat kecil menghantam kompleks berlantai dua pada pukul sekitar 3 sore di Akron tenggara dan terbakar belum lama ini.

Pihak berwenang mengatakan pesawat - diyakini jenis Hawker H25 - menghantam kabel listrik dan telepon saat akan mendarat di Bandara Akron Fulton sebelum menabrak gedung apartemen.

Augusto Lewkowicz, pemilik pesawat, mengatakan kepada Akron Beacon Journal bahwa semua penumpang di pesawat - pilot, kopilot dan tujuh penumpang - tewas. Namun ia tidak merilis nama mereka.

Tidak jelas apakah ada lebih banyak korban. Pesawat jet bisnis, pesawat carter, lepas landas dari Dayton, Ohio, sebelum kecelakaan terjadi, sebelumnya juga melayani beberapa rute penerbangan carter.

Gedung apartemen tempat pesawat jatuh berada di jalan Skelton dan Mogadore.

Pemadam Kebakaran Akron mengerahkan beberapa unit mobil pemadam untuk memadamkan api dan memeriksa kondisi di dalam gedung apartemen.

Semua penghuni dikatakan berhasil dievakuasi tanpa cedera, namun bangunan itu hancur oleh api.

Saksi Nicholas Pastorius, yang mengendarai sepedanya di dekat lokasi saat kecelakaan itu terjadi, mengatakan tampaknya pesawat - mesin ganda - menghantam kawat listrik dan telepon sebelum terhempas.

"Saya ... melihat pesawat datang dan saya kira cukup rendah, kemudian menukik, terbalik dan terlihat bola api raksasa,' kata Pastorius kepada newsnet5 seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Saksi lain mengatakan kepada Fox 8 pesawat itu tampaknya menghantam gedung apartemen lain sebelum terhempas. Warga lokal Hannah McCune mengatakan dia sedang menuju ke rumahnya ketika mendengar suara yang mencurigakan.

"Terbang sangat rendah dan sangat dekat. Dan saya melihat ke atas dan mendengar ledakan," katanya kepada

THE MOMENT a plane slammed into a row of houses, killing at least nine people in Ohio, was captured by a teenager posing for a Snapchat video.

The girl was sitting inside her home in Akron on Tuesday afternoon and smiling for the camera when a flash of light filled the screen.

She then turned to her right, realized what had happened and then screamed: 'Oh my God.'  

The small plane struck the two-story complex at about 3pm in southeast Akron and burst into flames.

Authorities say the plane - believed to be a Hawker H25 - clipped electrical and telephone wires on its final approach into Akron Fulton Airport before crashing into the building.

Augusto Lewkowicz, the owner of the plane, told the Akron Beacon Journal that all of those on board - the pilot, co-pilot and seven passengers - died. However he would not release their names.

It is unclear if there were any more victims. The small business jet, a private charter, took off from Dayton, Ohio, before the crash, but had made multiple stops throughout the day.

The apartment building where the plane crashed is located at Skelton and Mogadore roads.

The Akron Fire Department had several units at the scene to extinguish the fire and to check inside the building.

All occupants are said to have been accounted for inside, however the building was completely destroyed by the blaze.

Witness Nicholas Pastorius, who was riding his bike nearby when the crash occurred, said it appeared the plane - a twin-engine - clipped a wire on its descent.

'I ... saw a plane coming in and thought it was pretty low, went around the bend, turned around and saw a huge ball of fire,' Pastorius told newsnet5.

Another witness told Fox 8 the plane appeared to hit another building as it came in to land. Akron local Hannah McCune said she had returned home this afternoon when she heard a sound that didn't sound right.

'It was super low and super close. And I looked up and heard boom,' she told