Arsenal Terakhir Kali Juara, Ini Peristiwa Penting Dunia yang Terjadi

Since Arsenal Last Won Trophy, Here Are a Few Other Changes in the World

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Arsenal Terakhir Kali Juara, Ini Peristiwa Penting Dunia yang Terjadi
Selama sekian tahun, Arsenal hengkang dari tempat berdirinya ke ke Stadion Emirates, selama itu pula Wenger mengantongi gaji sebesar 67.5 juta poundsterling (hampir Rp1 triliun) Foto2: Mail Online

SEJAK Arsenal terakhir kali meraih trofi juara, Chelsea memiliki sembilan manajer yang berbeda, Lionel Messi empat kali meraih trofi Ballon d'Or dan Dot Cotton tetap berada di EastEnders 

Arsenal belum memenangkan trofi sejak kemenangan Piala FA mereka pada 2005. Sir Alex Ferguson akhirnya pensiun sebagai manajer Manchester United. Arsenal hengkang dari Highbury ke Stadion Emirates.

Twitter diluncurkan dan Apple merilis iPhone. Barack Obama menjadi presiden kulit hitam pertama Amerika Serikat, seperti dilansir Mail Online.

The Gunners bisa meraih gelar juara pertama setelah 'puasa gelar' sembilan tahun apabila menang melawan Hull di final Piala FA malam ini.

Bagi usia tertentu dengan kenangan lama, itu tidak tampak seperti kemarin bahwa kapten Arsenal menderita nyeri bahu setelah mengangkat begitu banyak trofi dan menjatuhkan Steve Morrow di kepalanya. 

Mail Online melansir bahwa Arsene Wenger tidak akan berterima kasih untuk mengingatkannya pada malam final Piala FA malam ini melawan Hull City, tetapi kini sembilan tahun sejak The Gunners meraih trofi juara, mengalahkan Manchester United di Stadion Millenium melalui adu penalti. 

21 Mei 2005. Tony Blair dan Partai Buruh baru saja terpilih kembali untuk masa jabatan ketiga memimpin Inggris, dan Axel F dengan tembang Crazy Frog bertahan selama empat pekan di puncak tangga lagu Inggris.

Selama sekian tahun, Arsenal hengkang dari tempat berdirinya ke ke Stadion Emirates, selama itu pula Wenger mengantongi gaji sebesar 67.5 juta poundsterling (hampir Rp1 triliun).

Berikut ini adalah beberapa perubahan dan peristiwa penting dunia sejak pelatih asal Prancis itu meraih gelar terakhir dari 11 piala untuk klubnya...

Saingan lamanya Sir Alex Ferguson telah pensiun tetapi setelah meraih lima gelar lagi dari Premier League, satu gelar Liga Champions, Piala Dunia FIFA Club, tiga Piala Liga dan empat Community Shields sejak kalah di Wembley oleh The Gunners. 

Twitter ditemukan, meskipun hanya mampu menulis 140 karakter tentu tidak cukup untuk mencatat daftar prestasi Arsenal.

Birmingham terdegradasi atau dipromosikan lima kali - tanpa lupa menyebutkan mengalahkan Arsenal di final League Cup 2011 (catat itu Hull). 

Sembilan manajer yang berbeda telah melatih Chelsea, termasuk Jose Mourinho yang dua kali berlabuh di Stamford Bridge.

Lionel Messi empat kali dianugerahi Ballon d'Or, belum lagi memenangkan Liga Champions tiga kali, enam gelar La Liga, dua Copa del Reys, dua Piala Super UEFA, dua Piala Dunia Klub, dan medali emas Olimpiade. 

Beberapa pulau es terbesar Kanada dikatakan telah mencair hingga 5,2%.

Jordan tiga kali menikah dan cerai tiga kali - berpisah dari Peter Andre, Alex Reid dan sekarang Kieran Hayler.

Dunia berada di bawah ancaman bencana ekonomi.

London menang suara, membangun stadion dan kemudian menjadi tuan rumah Olimpiade yang lumayan sukses.

IPhone telah melahirkan generasi keenam setelah muncul pertama kali di pasar pada 2007. 

Amir Khan memenangkan 32 pertarungan profesional di sabuk juaranya, tapi petinju berusia 27 tahun itu masih menjadi petinju amatir saat Arsenal terakhir kali meraih trofi juara.

Sejak Christopher Eccleston berhenti sebagai Dr Who pada Juni 2005, ada tiga dokter baru - David Tennant, Matt Smith dan Peter Capaldi yang menggantikan perannya.

SINCE Arsenal last won a trophy Chelsea have had nine different managers, Lionel Messi has won the Ballon d'Or four times and Dot Cotton is still in EastEnders.

Arsenal haven't won a trophy since their FA Cup victory in 2005. Chelsea have had nine different managers in that time. Sir Alex Ferguson has finally retired as Manchester United manager. Arsenal have moved from Highbury to the Emirates Stadium.

Twitter was launched and Apple released the iPhone. Barack Obama became the first black president of the United States.

The Gunners could win their first piece of silverware with victory against Hull in the FA Cup final on Saturday

For those of a certain age with longer memories, it doesn’t seem like yesterday that Arsenal captains were suffering shoulder pain from lifting so much silverware and dropping Steve Morrow on his head.

Arsene Wenger won’t thank us for reminding him on the eve of Saturday’s FA Cup final against Hull City, but it is now nine years since the Gunners won a trophy, beating Manchester United at the Millennium Stadium after a penalty shootout.

May 21, 2005. Tony Blair and Labour had just been re-elected for a third term in power, and Axel F by Crazy Frog (no pun intended, Arsene) was about to begin a four-week stay at the top of the UK charts.

In those long years since, Arsenal have left home and moved to the Emirates Stadium while Wenger has banked approximately £67.5million in wages. 

Here are a few other changes in the world since the Frenchman won the last of his 11 trophies at the club...

His old rival Sir Alex Ferguson has retired but not before adding another five Premier League titles, one Champions League crown, a FIFA Club World Cup, three League Cups and four Community Shields since that Wembley defeat to the Gunners.

Twitter has been invented, although it’s unlikely you would need more than 140 characters to list Arsenal achievements.

Birmingham have been relegated or promoted five times – not to mention beating Arsenal in the 2011 League Cup final (Hull take note).

Nine different managers have been in charge of Chelsea, including Jose Mourinho’s two stints at Stamford Bridge.

Lionel Messi has been awarded the Ballon d’Or on no fewer than four occasions, not to mention winning the Champions League three times, six La Liga titles, two Copa del Reys, two UEFA Super Cups, two World Club Cups, and an Olympic gold medal.

Some of Canada’s biggest icecaps are said to have melted by up to 5.2 per cent.

Jordan has been married and separated three times – splitting from Peter Andre, Alex Reid and now Kieran Hayler.

The world has stood on the brink of economic disaster.

London won the vote, built the stadiums and then hosted a rather successful Olympic Games.

The iPhone is into its sixth generation after first coming on the market in 2007.

Amir Khan has 32 professional fights under his belt, but the 27-year-old was still boxing in the amateurs when Arsenal last won a trophy.

Since Christopher Eccleston quit as Dr Who in June 2005, there have been three new Doctors – David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi.