Foto-foto Lucu Aksi Penikmat Kehangatan Mentari

People around the World Share Their Jubilant Snaps as They Rejoice in the Sunshine

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Foto-foto Lucu Aksi Penikmat Kehangatan Mentari
Foto2: MailOnline

INI DIA sejumlah foto para penikmat sinar mentari yang berjemur untuk menghangatkan tubuh. Seorang pria membangun singgasana yang diilhami film seri Game of Thrones. Di tempat lain, seorang wanita jalan melenggang dipersenjatai dengan beberapa senapan air.

Koleksi foto yang dinanti banyak pembaca karena tergolong jenaka.

Dan bagi banyak warga di kawasan beriklim subtropis, musim panas selalu dinantikan.

Foto-foto penuh kegembiraan, yang dibagikan oleh para penggemar kehangatan mentari dan ditampilkan oleh MailOnline Travel, menangkap semangat musim baru.

Seorang pemuda mendirikan semacam kursi singgasana raja terinspirasi film seri Game of Thrones. Dan dia berhasil mewujudkan impiannya.

Di tempat lain, seorang wanita tampak berjalan tegap seraya 'dipersenjatai' dengan sejumlah senapan air. Apa misinya? Tidak diketahui

Ternyata kehangatan mentari membuat banyak orang tidak kekurangan ide untuk mengungkapkan suasana hati yang gembira.

MAILONLINE Travel presents a catalogue of triumphant sun-worshippers. One man built himself a Game of Thrones-inspired throne using pool noodles. Elsewhere, a woman was snapped on the street armed with several water guns

We've waited long enough.

And for many of us around the world, summer is finally upon us.

These triumphant photos, shared by sun-worshippers and rounded-up by MailOnline Travel, capture the spirit of the new season.

One young man took on the challenge of building himself a Game of Thrones-inspired throne using a colourful assortment of pool noodles. And he certainly achieved it.

Elsewhere, a woman was captured striding down the street with great purpose, armed with an arsenal of pump-action water guns. Her mission? Unknown.

Read on for a catalouge of characters whose commitment to summer is nothing short of inspirational.