Daging Sapi: Fokus pada Sektor Hilir, Abaikan Masalah di Sektor Hulu

Beef: Focus on the Downstream Sector, Ignoring Problems in the Upstream Sector

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Daging Sapi: Fokus pada Sektor Hilir, Abaikan Masalah di Sektor Hulu
Wamentan Rusman Heriawan (batik biru) bersama para peserta pelatihan engembangan ternak sapi (Foto: Kementan)

Klungkung (B2B) - Selama ini persoalan daging sapi lebih banyak membahas permasalahan di hilir, mulai dari harga daging sapi mahal hingga impor sapi tapi mengabaikan persoalan di sektor hulu, khususnya pada pembibitan sapi ternak.

"Sudah saatnya memperhatikan sektor hulu dari pengembangan sapi ternak, karena selama ini kita lebih banyak mempermasalahkan sektor di hilir seperti harga daging sapi mahal hingga impor daging sapi tapi tidak memperbaiki sektor hulunya," kata Wakil Menteri Pertanian, Rusman Heriawan saat meninjau pengembangan sapi Bali di Nusa Penida, Klungkung, Bali, Sabtu (26/10).

Kunjungan kerja Wamentan Rusman Heriawan di Nusa Penida didampingi Wakil Gubernur Bali, Ketut Sudikerta seperti dilansir melalui pernyataan tertulis Kementerian Pertanian yang diterima redaksi B2B, Minggu (27/10).

Menurut Wamentan, program ini telah menjadi program nasional dan mulai 2013 ada tiga kawasan percontohan di Indonesia yakni di Nusa Penida di Bali, Pulau Aceh dan Madura di Jawa Timur.

“Dengan komitmen kuat kita berharap  Nusa Penida segera menjadi Sentra Pembibitan Sapi Bali  sehingga Nama Sapi Bali yang telah terkenal tidak hanya tinggal nama semata. Itulah obsesi kita,” ungkap Rusman Heriawan.

Pendapat senada dikemukakan Ketut Sudikerta bahwa Pemerintah Provinsi Bali terus mendukung program pemerintah pusat yang berupaya mengembangkan pemurnian sapi Bali yang dipusatkan di Nusa Penida.

Klungkung (B2B) - The beef problems has been more focus on the problems in the downstream, from high prices to beef imports, but ignoring the problem in the upstream sector, especially in cattle nurseries.

"It´s time to focus on the upstream sector, nurseries cattle, because so far our more concerned in downstream sector such as high prices and beef imports, but did not improve upstream sector," said Deputy Minister of Agriculture (MoA) Rusman Heriawan when reviewed the Bali cattle nurseries in Nusa Penida, Klungkung, Bali, Saturday (26/10).

Worked visit Deputy MoA Rusman Heriawan in Nusa Penida accompanied by Deputy Governor of Bali, Ketut Sudikerta as reported by the Ministry of Agriculture through a written statement received by B2B, Sunday (27/10).

According to Deputy MoA, this program has become a national program, and by 2013 there were three pilot areas in Indonesia namely Nusa Penida in Bali, Aceh and Madura Island in East Java.

"With a strong commitment to Nusa Penida our hope, will soon be the center of Bali cattle nurseries, so the name of Bali cattle not in name only. That was our obsession," Rusman Heriawan said.

Similar opinion was expressed by Ketut Sudikerta, that the Bali Provincial Government continues to support the central government program that seeks to develop purification of Bali cattle are concentrated in Nusa Penida.