Harga Gabah Anjlok di 41 Kabupaten, Mentan Minta Bulog Segera Antisipasi

Indonesian Govt Anticipation of Grain Price Under Government Purchase Price

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Harga Gabah Anjlok di 41 Kabupaten, Mentan Minta Bulog Segera Antisipasi
Mentan Andi Amran Sulaiman (kiri) menyambut Panglima TNI Jenderal Gatot Nurmantyo didampingi Kasad Jenderal TNI Mulyono dan Dirut Bulog Djarot Kusumayakti, komitmen serapan gabah (Foto2: B2B/Gusmiati Waris)

Jakarta (B2B) - Pemerintah RI menginstruksikan Perum Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog) melakukan percepatan serapan gabah hasil panen petani, khususnya di 41 kabupaten, para petani menderita kerugian lantaran harga gabah di bawah Harga Pembelian Pemerintah (HPP) Rp3.700 per kg, dan Kementan menargetkan serapan gabah oleh Bulog pada Maret - Oktober Agustus 2017 mencapai empat juta ton.

Menteri Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman mengatakan harga gabah kering panen (GKP) per kg di 41 kabupaten jatuh akibat kadar air yang tinggi. Kabupaten yang dimaksud dengan harga jual per kg di Provinsi Jawa Tengah antara lain Klaten Rp3.600, Grobogan Rp2.800, Demak Rp2.900, Jepara Rp3.000, Pati Rp2.800, Rembang Rp2.700 dan Blora Rp3.100. Sementara di Provinsi Jawa Timur adalah Kediri Rp3.400, Magetan Rp3.300, Tuban Rp3.200 dan Kediri Rp3.400.

"Kementan akan membuat regulasi melalui Permentan untuk mengatur kualitas kadar gabah 25 hingga 30 persen akan dibeli sesuai HPP Rp3.700 per kg, nanti kita ubah regulasi agar Bulog terlindungi, itu permintaan Dirut Bulog kemarin," kata Mentan Amran Sulaiman di Jakarta pada Kamis (23/2).

Paparan tersebut disampaikan Mentan di hadapan 400 peserta rapat gabungan Kementan dengan Bulog, jajaran TNI, kepala dinas pertanian, BUMN bidang pangan. Duduk di bagian tamu utama antara lain Panglima TNI Jenderal TNI Gatot Nurmantyo, Kasad Jenderal TNI Mulyono, Dirut Bulog Djarot Kusumayakti, Dirut PT Sang Hyang Seri (SHS) Syaiful Bahri, Dirut PT Pertani Wahyu, Sekjen Kementan Hari Priyono, Dirjen Prasarana dan Sarana Pertanian (PSP) Pending Dadih Permana, dan Dirjen Tanaman Pangan Gatot Irianto.

Mentan pun menguraikan tentang instruksi Presiden RI Joko Widodo pada Rabu malam (22/4) usai meneken keputusan presiden (Kepres) yang menginstruksikan Bulog membeli gabah petani setara beras hingga enam bulan ke depan, Maret - Oktober 2017, dipatok target  empat juta ton GKP. Sementara Kementan menargetkan serap gabah petani pada periode Maret hingga Agustus 2017 mencapai 8,6 juta ton atau setara beras 5,46 juta ton.

"Kepres-nya sudah diteken Presiden tadi malam (Rabu malam) sebelum berangkat ke Australia, kita diberi target enam bulan. Kami sudah diskusi dengan Panglima TNI dan Kasad untuk mendukung pencapaian target presiden. Kita menjalankan visi misi Presiden Jokowi sesuai Nawacita, bukan ambisi Mentan, kami sebagai pembantunya wajib menjaga kedaulatan pangan," kata Amran Sulaiman.

Menurutnya, dia akan memantau kinerja tim serap gabah petani (Sergab) setiap hari untuk menyerap gabah petani, dan Bulog akan menyerap gabah dengan kadar air 25% di atas HPP Rp3.700 per kg. Kementan akan bermitra dengan pihak swasta memanfaatkan mesin pengering gabah dan dukungan pergudangan.

Pendampingan TNI
Panglima TNI Jenderal TNI Gatot Nurmantyo mengaku gusar pada merosotnya harga GKP di tingkat petani karena kadar air yang cukup tinggi, dia pun memerintahkan bintara pembina desa (Babinsa) di tingkat komando rayon militer (Koramil) dan komando distrik militer (Kodim) mengawal pembelian gabah petani Rp3.700 per kg.

"Saya perintahkan Kodim dan Koramil agar membeli gabah langsung dari petani. Kalau perlu simpan di kantor Kodim dan Koramil kalau gudang Bulog penuh. Kasihan petani, sudah susah payah menanam tapi harga yang diterima hanya Rp2.000 an per kg," kata Gatot Nurmantyo.

Kasad Jenderal Mulyono memastikan jajaran TNI AD di seluruh Indonesia akan melakukan pendampingan dan pengawalan hingga melakukan penindakan pada pihak-pihak yang mencoba mencari keuntungan di tengah kesulitan petani.

"TNI AD siap mendampingi pemerintah dan Bulog meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani dan rakyat," kata Kasad.

Sementara Dirut Bulog Djarot Kusumayakti menyatakan pada Januari hingga Februari 2017, Bulog telah menyerap 60.000 ton GKP atau setara 30.000 ton beras, yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan periode sama tahun lalu hanya 600 ton. Bulog mengalokasikan dana Rp222 miliar untuk merealisasikan hal itu.

Menurutnya, untuk mengantisipasi kadar air GKP dari petani, Bulog didukung 50 unit alat pengering gabah di beberapa divisi regional (Divre) Bulog berkapasitas tiga ton per delapan jam, dan Bulog akan menggandeng pihak swasta untuk mencapai target 300 ton per hari.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian government instructed the National Logistics Agency (Bulog) as soon as possible to buy dry grain harvest from farmers, particularly in 41 districts, which makes farmers lose money because under Government Purchase Price of 3,700 rupiah per kg, and Agriculture Ministry targets Bulog in March - October 2017 buy up four million tons of grain from farmers across the country, according to the minister.

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman said the price per kg of dry grain harvest in 41 districts fell due to high water levels. In Central Java province such as Klaten of3,600 rupiah, 2,800 rupiah in Grobogan, 2,900 rupiah in Demak, 3,000 rupiah in Jepara, 2.800 rupiah in Pati, 2,700 rupiah in and 3.100 rupiah in Blora. While in East Java province such as Kediri of 3,400 rupiah, 3,300 rupiah in Magetan, 3,200 rupiah in Tuban and 3.400 rupiah in Kediri.

"The ministry will regulate with ministerial regulations related of water content 25 to 30 percent for 3,700 rupiah, we´ll change regulations to protect business interests of Bulog, as required of president director," said Minister Sulaiman here on Thursday (2.23.17).

It was he revealed to the 400 participants of joint meetings with Bulog, Indonesian army, the provincial department of agriculture and state enterprises. It was attended the Armed Forces Commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mulyono, CEO of Bulog Djarot Kusumayakti, CEO of Sang Hyang Seri Syaiful Bahri, CEO of Pertani Wahyu, Secretary General of Agriculture Ministry Hari Priyono, Director General of Agriculture Infrastructure and Facilities Pending Dadih Permana, and Director General of Food Crops Gatot Irianto.

Minister Sulaiman also elaborates on the orders of President Joko Widodo on Wednesday night (22/4) after signing a presidential decree, which instructed Bulog to purchase grain of farmers in the next six months, March to October, 2017, set a target of four million tons of dry grain harvest. While Agriculture Ministry targets purchase grain from farmers in March to August, 2017 reached 8.6 million tons or 5.46 million tonnes of rice.

"Presidential decrees has been signed by president last night before going to Australia, we were given target of six months. We´ve had discussions with the armed forces commander and chief of staff to reach the target of president. We carry out vision and mission of President Widodo according to the Nawacita program, not because my ambition, as the minister, I led the achievement of food sovereignty," he said.

According to him, he will monitor performance of the team every day to buy grain farmers, and Bulog will purchase grain of water content above 25% in 3,700 rupiah per kg. The ministry will partner with the private sector for grain drying machine, and rice warehouses.

Support of Indonesian Army
The Armed Forces Commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo The Armed Forces Commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo claimed upset after grain prices slumped at the farm level because high water content,  he ordered the non-commissioned officer in subdistict military command (Koramil) and district military command (Kodim) to support Bulog bought up grain from farmers 3,700 rupiah per kg.

"I will instruct of Kodim and Koramil to buy grain directly from farmers. If you need to keep in office of Kodim and Koramil if Bulog warehouses are already full. Farmers have been working hard planting rice but grain prices is only 2,000 per kg," Gen. Nurmantyo told reporters here.

General Mulyono ensure Indonesian army across the country will provide guidance and escort to the repression against those who tried to make a profit amid the difficulties of farmers.

"Indonesian army are ready to assist the government and Bulog for the welfare of farmers and people," Gen. Mulyono said.

Meanwhile CEO of Bulog Djarot Kusumayakti stated in January-February, 2017, Bulog has bought 60,000 tons of dry grain harvest or the equivalent to 30,000 tons of rice, which is higher than the same period last year only 600 tons. The Bulog has allocated 222 billion rupiah to realize it.

According to him, to anticipate water content of grain from farmers, The Bulog supported 50 units of grain dryers in several regional divisions with a capacity of three tons per eight hours, and will invite the private sector to cooperate to achieve the target of 300 tons per day.