Kontroversi Beras Plastik, Mentan Ajak Cintai Produk Lokal

Plastic Rice Controversy, Indonesian Govt Asked to Buy Local Products

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Kontroversi Beras Plastik, Mentan Ajak Cintai Produk Lokal
Mentan Amran Sulaiman (batik merah) berbincang dengan Kabag Humas Kementan, Marihot H Panggabean (kiri tengah), Kasubbag Agus Sumantri dan M Haswardany serta Abraham Silaban usai syuting di kediaman menteri (Foto2: Abiyadun & TVOne)

Jakarta (B2B) - Harga beras yang kembali stabil di kisaran Rp6.500 hingga Rp7.500 per kg tentunya bukan ´kabar baik´ bagi para spekulan dan importir pangan, yang terus berupaya menekan pemerintahan Presiden RI Joko Widodo untuk mengeluarkan ijin impor beras, dan kini merebak kontroversi beras plastik yang ditemukan di Bekasi, Jawa Barat.

Menteri Pertanian RI, Andi Amran Sulaiman bersama Menteri Perdagangan, Rahmat Gobel dan Menteri Koperasi UKM, AAGN Puspayoga memantau pasokan dan pergerakan harga beras di Jabodetabek ke Pasar Cibinong, Bogor pada Rabu siang dilanjutkan koordinasi dengan Presiden RI Joko Widodo di kantor kepresidenan.

Kontroversi beras plastik mendorong salah satu stasiun tv berita untuk wawancara live pada Kamis pagi di kediaman Mentan di kawasan Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan.

"Beras plastik tidak kami temukan ketika inspeksi di Pasar Cibinong, kami juga minta staf di kementerian bersama BPOM untuk memantau langsung ke Bekasi. Kalau memang benar terbukti harus ditindak tegas oleh aparat yang berwenang," kata Amran Sulaiman kepada TVOne.

"Dari kasus beras plastik, saya ambil hikmahnya dan mengimbau masyarakat untuk mencintai produksi dalam negeri. Saya serahkan instansi terkait untuk menindak kasus beras plastik agar tidak meresahkan masyarakat."

Menurutnya, Presiden Joko Widodo pun tidak bertanya perihal beras plastik saat koordinasi dengan Mentan dan kedua koleganya usai berkunjung ke Pasar Cibinong pada Rabu siang.

"Presiden meminta laporan tentang pasokan dan harga beras setelah kunjungan kami ke Cibinong dan daerah-daerah," kata Amran Sulaiman kepada presenter TVOne, Abraham Silaban.

Jakarta (B2B) - The rice prices in Indonesia is stabilized to 6,500 to 7,500 rupiah per kg certainly not ´good news´ for the speculators and food importers, which continues to pressure the President Joko Widodo administration to issue a license for import rice, and has now spread plastic rice controversy was found in Bekasi of West Java province recently.

Agriculture Minister, Andi Amran Sulaiman with the Trade Minister, Rahmat Gobel and the Cooperatives and SMEs AAGN Puspayoga monitor the supply and rice price movements in Cibinong market of Bogor district on Wednesday afternoon and continued to coordination with President Joko Widodo in the president´s office.

Controversy of plastic rice pushed one of the news TV station in Jakarta for a live interview on Thursday morning at the residence of Agriculture Minister in Kuningan area of South Jakarta.

"We did not find of plastic rice in Cibinong market, we also ask the staff at the ministry and the food regulatory agency monitor directly to Bekasi. If proven illegal must be dealt by the authorities," Mr Sulaiman told TVOne.

"I took lessons from the case of of plastic rice, and urged people to love domestic production. I asked the related institutions to act quickly in order not to disturbing the public."

According to him, President Widodo was not asking about rice plastic while coordinated with him and his colleagues after visit to the Cibinong market on Wednesday afternoon.

"The president asked reports on the supply and rice prices after our visit to Cibinong and regions," Mr Sulaiman told TVOne presenter, Abraham Silaban.