Rp16,9 T Alokasi APBNP 2015 untuk Swasembada Pangan, Ini Rinciannya

Indonesian Govt Allocates IDR 16.9 Trillion for Food Self-sufficiency

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Rp16,9 T Alokasi APBNP 2015 untuk Swasembada Pangan, Ini Rinciannya
Mentan Amran Sulaiman tanam padi di Kecamatan Eremeras, Kabupaten Bantaeng dalam kunjungan kerja ke Sulsel (Foto: B2B/M. Achsan Atjo & Humas Kementan/Makmur H)

Bantaeng, Sulsel (B2B) - Menteri Pertanian RI Amran tidak hanya pandai meyakinkan Presiden RI Joko Widodo dan Komisi IV DPR untuk mengalokasikan dana pengungkit pencapaian swasembada pangan melalui APBNP sebesar Rp16,9 triliun, ternyata pandai pula menanam padi ketika melakukan penanaman padi serentak di Kecamatan Eremeras, Kabupaten Bantaeng, sekitar lima kilometer dari ibukota kecamatan pada Sabtu pekan lalu.

Kegiatan menanam padi tersebut dilakukan Amran Sulaiman usai bertemu Wakil Bupati Bantaeng, H Muhamad Yasin yang mewakili  Bupati Bantaeng HM Nurdin Abdullah, karena berhalangan hadir lantaran kegiatan dinas di Jakarta. Menteri didampingi Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pertanian, Haryono dan Kepala Balai Besar Karantina Pertanian Makassar, Hermansyah.

"Huuuufffff.... ternyata capek juga... tapi saya masih cekatan menanam padi kan...," kata Amran Sulaiman, alumnus Fakultas Pertanian dari Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar kepada pers yang sibuk memotret dan merekam momen langka tersebut. Pasalnya, begitu tiba di areal sawah yang menjadi target peninjauan tersebut, Amran Sulaiman langsung melipat celana dan memakai sepatu bot untuk langsung turun ke sawah menanam padi.

Amran Sulaiman mengatakan, pemerintah menargetkan pencapaian swasembada dalam tiga tahun ke depan, dengan menyediakan dana pengungkit melalui APBNP 2015 sebesar Rp16,9 triliun.

Dana tersebut antara lain digunakan untuk rehabilitasi jaringan irigasi tersier 1,1 juta hektar dan optimasi lahan 530 ribu hektar. Bantuan pupuk untuk padi dan jagung pada lahan 4 juta hektar. Pengadaan benih padi tiga juta hektar dan jagung satu juta hektar. Bantuan saprodi perluasan areal tanam kedelai seluas 300 ribu hektar.

"Dana Rp16,9 triliun juga akan dimanfaatkan untuk penyediaan traktor roda dua sebanyak 20 ribu unit, rice transplanter lima ribu unit, pompa air 7.800 unit, combine harvester 10,5-14 HP sebanyak 2.800 unit, dryer 1.900 unit, corn seller 2.000 unit, power tresher kedelai 1.500 unit, dan penggilingan padi kecil sebanyak 6.700 unit.

Untuk mengatasi gula impor, kata Amran Sulaiman, pemerintah akan menyalurkan traktor roda empat untuk tebu sebanyak 500 unit, dan tanaman pangan 1.000 unit. Didukung pengadaan benih tebu untuk ditanam di lahan 12 ribu hektar.

Terkait perkebunan, menurutnya, pemerintah mengalokasikan dana untuk pengembangan kakao berkelanjutan di 15 provinsi. "Namun alokasi dananya masih dibahas di Komisi IV DPR. Doakan segera disetujui."

"Untuk peternakan, pemerintah akan mendorong Gertak Birahi dan inseminasi buatan pada 2 juta akseptor dan bibit indukan .1200 ekor," kata menteri.

Kegiatan pendukung lain pencapaian swasembada pangan adalah kerjasama dengan TNI AD di 22 provinsi, pendampingan petani oleh 5.000 mahasiswa, dukungan Quick Win untuk 21 kegiatan dan pendampingan penyuluhan di 24 ribu lokasi.

Bantaeng, South Sulawesi (B2B) - The Indonesian Agricutlure Minister, Amran Sulaiman is not only good at convincing President Joko Widodo and parliament to allocate additional funds for food self-sufficiency through a 2015 revised budget as much as IDR 16.9 trillion, he is also be good at planting rice in Eremeras sub-district, Bantaeng district, South Sulawesi province, about five kilometers from the capital district on Saturday last week.

Rice planting activities conducted by Amran Sulaiman after met with Bantaeng Deputy Regent, H Mohammad Yasin representing Bantaeng Regent HM Nurdin Abdullah, because he was in Jakarta. Minister was accompanied by the Head of Indonesian Agriculture Ministry´s Research and Development, Haryono and Head of Makassar´s Agricultural Quarantine, Hermansyah.

"Huuuufffff .... I was tired ... but I still plant rice deft right ...," Mr Sulaiman, an alumnus of the agricultural faculty of Hasanuddin University, Makassar told the press who is busy to record the rare moments. Because, once arrived in rice area became the location of the review, he immediately folded pants and straight into the rice fields to planting rice.

Mr Sulaiman said the government is targeting the achievement of self-sufficiency in the next three years, to provide leverage funding through 2015 revised budget of IDR 16.9 trillion.

The funds will be used for the rehabilitation of tertiary irrigation network of 1.1 million hectares, and optimization of 530 thousand hectares of farmland. Fertilizer subsidies for rice and corn on the 4 million hectares. Procurement of rice seeds to three million acres, and one million acres of corn. Expansion of soybean planting area of 300 thousand hectares.

"The funds will also be used for the procurement of 20 thousand units of two-wheel tractor, rice transplanter five thousand units, 7,800 units of water pumps, combine harvester from 10.5 to 14 HP as much as 2,800 units, 1,900 units dryer, 2,000 unit corn seller, 1,500 units of power tresher soybeans, and 6,700 units of small rice mills," he said.

To overcome import sugar, Mr Sulaiman said, the government will distribute 500 units of four-wheeled tractors for sugarcane, and 1,000 units for crops. Procurement of seed cane for 12 thousand hectares of land.

The Indonesian government has also allocated funds for the development of sustainable cocoa in 15 provinces. "However, the allocation of funds is still being discussed in parliament. Hopefully soon be approved."

"For livestock, the government will encourage artificial insemination on the 2 million cows and 1,200 head feeder cattle," minister said.

Other supporting activities in cooperation with the Indonesian Army in 22 provinces, assisting farmers by 5,000 students, support the Quick Win for 21 activities, guidance counseling in 24 thousand locations.