Mafia Beras Diperangi Gobel dengan Gandeng TNI dan Polri

Indonesian Trade Ministry Combat Rice Mafia with Military and Police

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Mafia Beras Diperangi Gobel dengan Gandeng TNI dan Polri
Menteri Perdagangan RI Rahmat Gobel (kanan) bersama Menteri Pertanian RI Amran Sulaiman (tengah) dan Menkop UKM RI saat meninjau Pasar Induk Kramat Jati di tengah malam (Foto2: Humas Kementan/Makmur H)

Jakarta (B2B) - Kementerian Perdagangan RI menggandeng Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) dan Kepolisian RI (Polri) untuk memberantas mafia beras agar tidak terjadi kebocoran termasuk saat pemerintah melakukan operasi pasar (OP).
"Kami bekerja sama dengan Kapolri dan Panglima TNI (Jenderal TNI Moeldoko,red) bagaimana memberantas mafia beras ini," kata Menteri Perdagangan Rachmat Gobel kepada pers di gudang beras Perum Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog) di Jakarta, Rabu.

Gobel mengingatkan pihaknya akan melakukan tindakan hukum dan pencabutan ijin jika ditemukaan pengusaha menaikkan harga dan penimbunan beras milik pemerintah.
"Jika ditemukan menyalurkan beras atau menahan beras akan ditindak. Kami sudah berikan sinyal jangan main-main, jika tidak diindahkan akan ditindak karena membuat keresahan," kata Gobel.
Selain memberantas mafia beras, lanjutnya, maka pihaknya akan melakukan operasi pasar beras melalui Bulog.
"Operasi pasar terus dilakukan Bulog agar harga yang ditentukan pemerintah bisa sama ketika sampai ke masyarakat," katanya.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian Trade Ministry in cooperation with the police and military is endeavoring to crack down on the rice mafia in a bid to control the fluctuating prices of rice.

"We are cooperating with the National Police chief and the Military chief to combat the rice mafia," Indonesian Trade Minister, Rahmat Gobel told the press at Jakarta´s State Logistics Agency, known as the Bulog here on Wednesday.

Mr Gobel noted that he will take legal action and revoke the licenses of rice dealers found selling their stocks at inflated prices or involved in illegal stockpiling of rice allocated by the government for the poor.

"If they are found hoarding the governments rice, or raising the prices of rice, we will take the strongest possible action against them," the trade minister remarked.

Gobel revealed that in addition to curbing the rice mafia, the trade ministry will also conduct rice market operations in cooperation with Bulog.

"With Bulog, we will continue to conduct rice market operations to control the fluctuating prices," the minister added.