Suswono: Selandia Baru Sepakat Tingkatkan Investasi di Indonesia

Suswono: New Zealand Agreed to Increase Investment in Indonesia

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Suswono: Selandia Baru Sepakat Tingkatkan Investasi di Indonesia
Mentan Suswono (Foto: istimewa)

Jakarta (B2B) - Selandia Baru sepakat untuk meningkatkan investasi ke Indonesia khususnya di sektor pertanian, yang dilakukan melalui Agricultural Working Group Meeting.

Menteri Pertanian Suswono mengatakan salah satu hasil kunjungannya ke Selandia Baru pada 10-13 November lalu, setelah bertemu Menteri Perdagangan Selandia Baru, Tim Grocer yang sepakat untuk meningkatkan kerja sama ekonomi, khususnya di sektor pertanian.

Kerja sama ekonomi Indonesia dan Selandia Baru melalui Agricultural Working Group Meeting yang meliputi kapasitas, akses pasar, pertukaran teknologi dan keahlian maupun perdagangan komoditas pertanian, khususnya ternak sapi dan industri susu.

"Indonesia dikenal sebagai pasar yang luas dengan banyak jumlah penduduk, dan pertumbuhan ekonomi mendekati enam persen. Indonesia berharap Selandia Baru dapat meningkatkan investasi, khususnya ternak sapi potong dan sapi perah termasuk industri pengolahannya," ungkap Suswono.

Tim Grocer, koleganya dari Selandia Baru, menurut Suswono memandang Indonesia sebagai prioritas berikutnya setelah China, yang saat ini mengembangkan industri pengolahan susu.

"Menteri Tim Grocer mengakui tidak bisa memaksa kalangan swasta, tapi pemerintah Selandia Baru berjanji akan berusaha menjadi fasilitator bagi pihak swasta," tambah Suswono.

Jakarta (B2B) - New Zealand agreed to increase investment into Indonesia, particularly in the agricultural sector, conducted through the Agricultural Working Group Meeting.

Agriculture Minister Suswono said the main results of his visit to New Zealand in the last 10 to 13 November, having met New Zealand Trade Minister, Tim Grocer who agreed to boost economic cooperation, especially in the agricultural sector.

Economic cooperation between Indonesia and New Zealand through the Agricultural Working Group Meeting which includes capacity, market access, exchange of technology and expertise, trade in agricultural commodities, particularly cattle and dairy industries.

"Indonesia is known as the broad market with a lot of population and economic growth of nearly six percent. Indonesia expects New Zealand to increase investment, particularly beef cattle and dairy cattle include processing industry," Suswono said.

Tim Grocer as colleagues from New Zealand, Suswono said, Indonesia considered as the next priority after China, which is currently developed dairy processing industry.

"The Minister Tim Grocer admits can not force the private sector, but the New Zealand government promised to try to be a facilitator for the private sector," Suswono added.