Permohonan Impor Hortikultura Capai 35,86 Juta Ton

Horticulture Imports Demand Reach 35.86 Million Tons

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Taswin Bahar
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Permohonan Impor Hortikultura Capai 35,86 Juta Ton
Bawang putih impor di pasaran (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Bawang Bombay menjadi komoditi dengan volume pengajuan impor tertinggi yang mencapai 6,89 juta ton dari 11 komoditi lainnya sebanyak 35,68 juta ton untuk semester pertama 2013. Komoditi impor paling diminati lainnya adalah bawang putih yang mencapai 5,14 juta ton.

Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Hasil Pertanian (PPHP) Kementerian Pertanian, Haryono mengatakan bahwa pemerintah memperhatikan kepentingan semua pihak dalam menghitung besaran impor yang mendapatkan Rekomendasi Impor Produk Hortikultura (RIPH).

"Perhitungan volume komoditi yang mendapatkan RIPH didasarkan pada beberapa faktor seperti kebutuhan nasional dan produksi petani dalam negeri," kata Haryono di Jakarta, Senin (11/3).

Sebagai catatan, total volume impor 11 komoditi yang mendapatkan RIPH pada semester pertama 2013 hanya 502.652 ton. Jumlah tersebut setara dengan 1,41% volume impor yang diajukan sebesar 6,89 juta ton.

Kuota impor terbanyak didapatkan bawang putih. Kementan menerbitkan rekomendasi untuk impor bawang putih sebanyak 160.000 ton atau setara 3,11% volume impor yang diajukan.

Menyusul di posisi kedua adalah buah apel dengan kuota impor sebanyak 100.000 ton. Jumlah tersebut setara 1,96% volume yang diajukan sebanyak 5,11 juta ton.

Haryono menambahkan pelaksanaan Peraturan Menteri Pertanian Nomor 60 tahun 2012 mengenai RIPH tengah dievaluasi. Pasalnya, terjadi penambahan jumlah perusahaan yang mengajukan RIPH di semester I tahun ini.

Jakarta (B2B) - Onions from Bombay into the volume of commodity imports filing highest, reaching 6.89 million tonnes of other commodities 11 many as 35.68 million tons for the first half of 2013. Other imported commodities most in demand are garlic, reaching 5.14 million tons.

Executing the Director General of Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products (PPHP) Ministry of Agriculture, Haryono said that the government consider the interests of all parties in calculating the amount of imports that get Horticultural Products Import Recommendation (RIPH).

"The calculation of the volume of commodities that get RIPH based on several factors such as national needs and farmers in the country," said Haryono in Jakarta, Monday (12/3).

For the record, the total volume of imports of 11 commodities to get RIPH the first half of 2013 only 502,652 tons. The amount is equivalent to 1.41% of the proposed import volume amounted to 6.89 million tons.

Most import quotas granted to garlic. Ministry of Agriculture issued a recommendation for the import of garlic as much as 160,000 tons or the equivalent of 3.11% of the proposed import volume.

Following in second place, an apple with an import quota of 100,000 tonnes. The amount is equivalent to 1.96% of the proposed volume as much as 5.11 million tons.

Haryono added that the implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 60 of 2012 regarding RIPH being evaluated. Because the addition of the number of companies that filed RIPH in the first half of this year.