Pertanian, Ekspornya Tumbuh Paling Pesat

Agriculture Product Becomes Most Rapid Export Growth

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Pertanian, Ekspornya Tumbuh Paling Pesat
Kepala BPS, Suryamin (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Produk pertanian menjadi satu-satunya sektor yang mengalami kenaikan ekspor pada Februari 2014.

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat ekspor produk pertanian meningkat 5,58%, padahal produk industri dan produk pertambangan masing-masing anjlok 0,44% dan 24,50%.

“Dilihat dari kontribusinya terhadap ekspor secara keseluruhan , ekspor produk industri masih mendominasi sebesar 66,10%, sedangkan produk pertanian 2,88%, dan pertambangan 13,25%. Sementara itu, ekspor migas mendominasi 17,77%,” kata kepala BPS Suryamin, Selasa (1/4/2014).

Dari sisi volume, ekspor Februari turun 12% dari bulan sebelumnya, akibat turunnya volume ekspor nonmigas sebesar 13,05%.

Sementara itu, volume ekspor migas naik 2,85% dibandingkan bulan sebelumnya. Jika dibandingkan Februari 2013, volume ekspor secara keseluruhan turun 19,69%.

Secara kumulatif, volume ekspor juga turun 15,63% dibandingkan periode Januari-Februari 2013, akibat turunnnya ekspor nonmigas sebesar 16,33%. Demikian juga, ekspor migas turun 5,33%.

Jakarta (B2B) - The agriculture product becomes the only sector with an increase on export in February 2014.

Indonesian Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded that the agriculture product export rose by 5.58%, whereas the industrial and mining products dropped by 0.44% and 24.50%, each.

“In view of the contribution to the entire export, the industrial product export is still dominating with 66.10%, while the agriculture product made 2.88% and mining product reached 13.25%. As for the oil and gas export, it contributed of 17.77%,” BPS Head, Suryamin told the press here on Tuesday (4/1).

From the volume, the export in February was 12% lower than the previous month due to the volume declining of non oil and gas export at 13.05%.

Meanwhile, the oil and gas export volume increased by 2.85% compared to the previous month. When it compared to February 2013, the total export volume dropped by 19.69%.

Cumulatively, the export volume also fell by 15.63% compared to the period in January-February 2013, due to the non oil and gas export declining of 16.33%. As for the oil and gas export, it fell by 5.33%.