Bawang Putih Langka, Pemerintah akan Panggil Seluruh Importir

Garlic Rare, the Government will Call the Entire Importers

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Taswin Bahar
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Bawang Putih Langka, Pemerintah akan Panggil Seluruh Importir
Mentan Suswono (Foto: Humas Kementan)

Jakarta (B2B) - Guna mengatasi kelangkaan suplai bawang putih di pasar sehingga memicu kenaikan harga, Kementerian Pertanian dan Kementerian Perdagangan akan melakukan investigasi dan memanggil semua importir diikuti langkah audit.

"Pemerintah akan segera lakukan investigasi. Apakah kenaikan harga bawang putih ini karena memang importir menahan pasokan bawang putih, atau karena sebab lain" kata Menteri Pertanian, Suswono saat ditemui di kantor Kementan Jakarta, Rabu (13/3).

Tujuan dari investigasi, kata Suswono, memberi kesempatan bagi pemerintah untuk mendapatkan informasi akurat, sehingga dapat memastikan suplai bawang putih dapat menekan harga.

"Kalau perlu kita panggil semua importir dan lakukan audit menyeluruh," ungkap Mentan yang tampak geram.

Investigasi tersebut rencananya akan dilakukan dalam beberapa minggu kedepan di beberapa gudang milik importir. "Mudah-mudahan dalam satu-dua minggu kedepan bisa dilakukan," ujar Suswono.

Harga bawang putih saat ini mencapai Rp43.000 hingga Rp45.000 per kg, padahal harga normal hanya Rp12.000 per kg. Selain itu, harga bawang merah juga mengalami kenaikan, dari biasanya Rp13.000 per kg menjadi Rp40.000 per kg saat ini.

Jakarta (B2B) - To overcome the supply scarcity of garlic in the market thereby triggering price increases, the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Commerce will conduct an investigation and call all importers followed by a thorough audit steps.

"The government will soon conduct an investigation. Did garlic price hikes, as importers hold garlic supply, or for any other reason" said the Minister of Agriculture, Suswono when met at the Ministry of Agriculture in Jakarta, Wednesday (13/3).

The purpose of the investigation, said Suswono, provide an opportunity for the government to obtain accurate information, so as to ensure the supply of garlic can reduce the price.

"If we need to call all importers and do a thorough audit," said Minister of Agriculture who looked furious.

Investigations are planned to be done in the next few weeks on some importer´s warehouse. "Hopefully in the next two weeks can do that," said Suswono.

Price of garlic now reaching Rp43.000 to Rp45.000 per kg, while the normal price is only Rp12.000 per kg. In addition, the onion price also increased, from usually Rp13.000 per kg to Rp40.000 per kg.