Mentan Sapa Petani Bawang di Cirebon, "Ibu-ibu Sae?"

Cirebon District Support the Supply of Shallots

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Mentan Sapa Petani Bawang di Cirebon, "Ibu-ibu Sae?"
Menteri Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman dan Wakil Ketua Komisi IV, Herman Khaeron, dan anggota DPR Ono Sarwono (Foto:B2B/Mya)

Cirebon, Jawa Barat (B2B) - Menteri Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman dan Wakil Ketua Komisi IV, Herman Khaeron, dan anggota DPR Ono Sarwono untuk melakukan panen raya bawang merah di Desa Jatiseeng, Kecamatan Ciledug di lahan seluas 15 hektar dengan produksi 13 ton per hektar pada Selasa (30/6).

Lokasi panen agak terpencil, sekitar setengah kilometer dari tepi jalan yang diantisipasi Kodim 0602 Cirebon dengan mengerahkan satu regu personel TNI AD bersepeda motor untuk mengangkut para tamu termasuk mengangkut puluhan wartawan yang meliput kegiatan tersebut.

Menteri Amran Sulaiman tiba di lokasi panen pukul 08:30 didampingi Herman Khaeron dan Ono Sarwono disambut oleh Bupati Cirebon, Sunjaya Purwadi dan Koordinator  Upsus Jawa Barat, Banun Harpini yang juga menjabat Kepala Badan Karantina Pertanian.

Sebelum panen, Mentan menyapa para buruh tani yang sedang mencabuti bawang merah agar tetap semangat bekerja meskipun tengah menjalani ibadah puasa. "Ibu-ibu sae?" Mereka pun menjawab serempak sapaan menteri dalam bahasa Sunda Cirebonan, setelah Herman Khaeron memberitahu kata ´sae´ sapaan akrab khas warga Cirebon, mengingat Menteri Amran berasal dari Bone, Sulawesi Selatan.

Berikutnya, Herman Khaeron yang minta diajari cara panen bawang pada menteri saat bersiap mencabut bawang. "Kita minta diajari dulu dulu oleh menteri cara cabut bawang, karena dia sudah biasa."

Cirebon, Indonesia (B2B) - Indonesia´s Agriculture Minister, Andi Amran Sulaiman with the mermbers of parliament (MPs) Herman Khaeron and Ono Sarwono to conduct harvest shallots in Jatiseeng village of Ciledug sub-district on the estate of 15 hectares, which produces 13 tons shallots per hectare. with a production of 13 tonnes shallots per hectares here on Tuesday (6/30).

The location of harvest about half a kilometer of the village road, Cirebon District Military Command deployed a squad ofaArmy personnel on motorcycles to transport guest and include usher dozens of journalists who covered the event.

Minister Sulaiman arrived at the location at 08:30 am which was accompanied by Herman Khaeron, and Ono Sarwono and was greeted by the Cirebon Regent, Sunjaya Purwadi.

Before harvest, agriculture minister greeted the farm laborers which were pulling shallots to keep the spirit of working though the middle of fasting. "How are you?" They also answer the greeting of the minister in the Sundanese language, after Mr Khaeron tells what it means.

The next, Mr Khaeron who asked taught how to harvest rice onion minister when preparing to revoke the shallots. "We asked first by a minister taught how to pull shallots, because he was used to."