Harga Bawang Merah Anjlok, DPR Minta Bulog Segera Serap Produksi Petani

Indonesian`s House Asked the Bulog Buy Shallot from Farmers

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Harga Bawang Merah Anjlok, DPR Minta Bulog Segera Serap Produksi Petani
Dirjen Hortikultura Kementan Spudnik Sujono (ke-4 kiri) dan Wakil Ketua Komisi IV DPR Herman Khaeron panen bawang merah di Kabupaten Cirebon, Jabar (Foto: B2B/Gusmiati Waris)

Cirebon, Jawa Barat (B2B) - Komisi IV DPR meminta Badan Urusan Logistik segera menyerap bawang merah dari petani untuk mengantisipasi tingginya biaya produksi, setelah Wakil Ketua Komisi IV DPR Herman Khaeron mendapati harga bawang merah di kisaran Rp11.000 sehingga petani merugi.

"Kami meminta Bulog segera membeli bawang merah dari petani agar mereka dapat break event point minimal di harga Rp12 ribu per kg, minimal seharga itu," kata Herman Khaeron saat ikut panen bawang merah dengan Dirjen Hortikultura Spudnik Sujono di sentra bawang merah Kabupaten Cirebon, Desa Silih Asih di Kecamatan Pabedilan pada Rabu (8/3).

Menurut Herman, kunjungan kerjanya ke sejumlah sentra pertanian di Kabupaten Cirebon untuk mengantisipasi pasokan dan harga sejumlah komoditas pertanian, Bulog diminta aktif membeli hasil pertanian agar petani tidak merugi saat panen raya.

"Jangan sampai karena kelebihan pasokan harga sampai terjun bebas sehingga petani rugi. Atau jangan sampai pasokan tidak aman sehingga harga melambung tinggi yang merugikan petani dan masyarakat," kata Herman Khaeron.

Menanggapi hal itu, Kepala Subdivre Bulog Cirebon, Taufik Budi Santoso mengatakan bahwa secara prinsip Bulog siap membeli sejumlah komoditas pertanian, namun karena belum ada instruksi khususnya terkait harga pembelian maka Bulog masih menunggu instruksi dan penetapan harga pembelian.

Biaya Produksi
Sementara Rois sebagai Ketua Kelompok Tani Cukang Akar di Desa Silih Asih mengaku heran pada anjloknya harga bawang merah di tingkat petani, dari total empat hektar lahan milik anggota kelompok tani hanya dihargai Rp450 juta atau Rp11.250 per kg.

"Dari panen sebelumnya, harga Rp11.250 per kg itu masih di bawah biaya produksi padahal sebelumnya harga bawang merah bisa mencapai Rp30 ribu per kg di tingkat petani," kata Rois.

Menurutnya, biaya produksi mencapai Rp120 juta per hektar untuk masa tanam pertama, sementara pada masa tanam kedua hingga keempat bisa lebih rendah, di kisaran Rp80 juta per hektar.

Dirjen Spudnik Sujono menambahkan bahwa berdasarkan peraturan Menteri Perdagangan RI harga jual bawang basah ditetapkan Rp15.000 per kg, dan Bulog harus bertindak cepat mengatasi merosotnya harga bawang merah.

Musibah Banjir
Dirjen Hortikultura Spudnik Sujono memastikan pasokan bawang merah di daerah masih relatif aman meskipun sekitar 400 hektar lahan bawang merah di Kabupaten Brebes, Provinsi Jawa Tengah mengalami gagal panen akibat banjir.

"Kegagalan panen akibat musibah banjir di Kabupaten Brebes, hanya 400 hektar atau sekitar tiga persen, jadi tidak terlalu mengganggu pasokan ke pasar," kata Spudnik Sujono.

Kendati begitu, dia mendorong para petani bawang merah tidak patah semangat, dan segera menanam kembali untuk mendukung pasokan Ramadan dan Lebaran 2017. "Paling lambat April nanti harus sudah tanam bawang merah lagi."

Cirebon, West Java (B2B) - Indonesian member of parliament Herman Khaeron asked State Logistics Agency (Bulog) buying shallot from farmers to prevent losses at farmer level, after the deputy chairman of House´s Commission IV found shallot prices only 11,000 rupiah per kg so farmers lose money.

"We asked the Bulog to buy shallot from farmers to break even point of at least 12 thousand rupiah per kg," said MP Khaeron accompanied by Director General of Horticulture Spudnik Sujono in shallot harvest in Cirebon district, Silih Asih village of Pabedilan subdistrict on Wednesday (March 8).

According to Mr Khaeron, his working visit to some agricultural centers in Cirebon District to anticipate the supply and prices of agricultural commodities, the Bulog should actively buys agricultural products so that farmers do not lose money during the harvest.

"Do not let the over supply, agricultural commodity prices fell so farmers losing money, and they get into trouble in the next planting season," he said.

The Bulog Head of Cirebon, Taufik Budi Santoso said that it was ready to buy some agricultural commodities, but because there is no instruction, particularly related to the purchase price, the Bulog still await instructions and confirmation of the price.

Production Cost
While Rois as chairman of Cukang Akar farmers group in Silih Asih village said he was surprised onion prices down at farmer level, four-hectare the production of shallot farmers´ group price is only 450 million rupiah or 11,250 rupiah per kg.

"From the previous harvest, 11,250 rupiah per kg below the cost of production, previously shallot prices 30  thousand rupiah per kg at farm level," said Rois, who goes by one name, like many Indonesians.

According to him, production cost reaches 120 million rupiah per hectare for the first planting season, while the second to fourth planting season is cheaper, about 80 million rupiah per hectare.

Mr Sujono said that based on rules of trade minister,  minimum selling price are set 15,000 rupiah per kg and the Bulog must immediately take control of shallot prices by buying from farmers.

Flood Disaster
Mr. Sujono ensure supply in the region are still inadequate despite 400 hectares of shallot in Brebes district of Central Java Province were flooded so that the crop failure.

Crop failures after the flooded in Brebes district only 400 hectares or about three percent so that the supply to the market are safe," he said.

He encouraged farmers to keep the spirit, and re-planted to support the supply of Ramadan and Eid. "Farmers have to plant onions in April." ($1 = 13,368.00 rupiah).