Posko Sergab di Lokasi Panen Padi, TNI Perkuat Lini Depan Serap Gabah

Indonesian Army Support the Purchase of Grain from Farmers by Logistics Agency

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Posko Sergab di Lokasi Panen Padi, TNI Perkuat Lini Depan Serap Gabah
Sertu Suwandi, prajurit TNI AD dari Koramil 0811/15 Jenu Tuban menjawab pertanyaan Mentan Andi Amran Sulaiman, Aster Kasad Mayjen Komaruddin Simanjuntak (kanan) Foto2: B2B/M. Achsan Atjo

Tuban, Jawa Timur (B2B) - Pengambilan keputusan secara cepat, tepat dan akurat kembali ditunjukkan oleh Menteri Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman, untuk mengatasi kendala penyerapan gabah di Kabupaten Tuban, Provinsi Jawa Timur yang dikeluhkan para petani melalui beberapa kepala desa di Kecamatan Jenu dan personel Babinsa di Koramil 0811/15 Jenu dari Kodim 0811 Tuban, sementara Bulog Subdivre Bojonegoro mengaku jajarannya masih mengacu pada Inpres 2015 terkait kadar air maksimal 25%, dan bukan Permentan No 3/2017 yang mentolerir hingga 30%.

"Tidak ada yang salah di Tuban terkait serap gabah, karena itu sudah kebijakan Presiden Joko Widodo yang harus dipatuhi semua pihak melalui Permentan No 3 tahun 2017. Tidak ada yang salah di sini antara petani, kepala desa, dan Babinsa... itu perintah presiden," kata Mentan Amran Sulaiman di Desa dalam sambutannya usai panen raya padi dan memantau serap gabah di Kecamatan Jenu pada Selasa siang (7/3).

Kendala tersebut mengemuka setelah Mentan Amran Sulaiman dialog dengan beberapa kepala desa dan Sertu Suwandi mengeluhkan ulah petugas Bulog Subdivre Bojonegoro di Tuban yang menolak membeli gabah dengan berbagai dalih seperti kadar air dan ada menir. Sebelumnya, dua pria setengah baya dibongkar kedoknya oleh Mentan setelah keduanya menuding Bulog tidak fair, padahal keduanya bukanlah petani melainkan pengepul yang merupakan kaki tangan tengkulak.

"Jangan memfitnah di sini, karena ulah Anda lebih mirip pengamat tanpa data dan fakta. Kepada Sertu Suwandi, saya angkat Anda sebagai juru lapor, bapak saya juga personel Babinsa dan karena berani maka anaknya hari ini bisa menjadi menteri. Lapor ke saya kalau mendapat kesulitan, kalau perlu ke Jakarta untuk melaporkan, tiket pesawat terbang dan hotel saya yang tanggung," kata Amran Sulaiman.

Posko Sergab
Informasi simpang-siur yang dianggap menghambat perintah Presiden Jokowi, mendorong Aster Kasad Mayjen Komarudin Simanjuntak untuk menjawab keluhan petani dan Babinsa, bahwa Bulog tidak menolak membeli gabah dari petani karena hal itu merupakan perintah Presiden. Solusinya, atas perintah Presiden Jokowi sebagai panglima tertinggi kepada Mentan Amran Sulaiman sebagai 'komandan lapangan' maka perintah Mentan harus dipatuhi dan dilaksanakan oleh TNI AD, Bulog dan dinas pertanian di daerah.

"Saya telah mendapat perintah dari panglima tertinggi yakni presiden melalui menteri pertanian, yang disampaikan Panglima TNI Jenderal Gatot Nurmantyo dan kepala staf angkatan. Komandan di lapangan hanya satu, yaitu Mentan, kita mendapat perintah dari beliau dan berlaku di seluruh Indonesia. Tidak ada perintah dari panglima tertinggi yaitu presiden yang tidak sukses. Harus sukses. Babinsa... ini perintah," kata Mayjen Komaruddin.

Dia menambahkan, setiap kali ada panen raya padi di seluruh Indonesia maka di situ akan ada semacam pos komando (Posko) yang didukung staf dari dinas pertanian provinsi/kabupaten, staf Divre/Subdivre Bulog terkait, dan anggota Babinsa dari Koramil untuk mendampingi petani menjual gabah kepada Bulog.

"Begitu pentingnya perintah ini, ingat para Babinsa, ini berlaku di seluruh Indonesia. Seluruh posko di tingkat provinsi akan dikendalikan perwira setingkat kolonel atau brigadir jenderal. TNI AD dan Bulog sudah jadi satu, komandannya satu, kita mendapat perintah dari Mentan. Perintah pembentukan Posko Sergab akan efektif minggu ini, maka hati-hati jangan sampai ada yang saya tangkap. Hati-hati, baik tentaranya atau bukan tentara bisa ditangkap, ini perindah presiden," kata Aster Kasad.

Dia mengaku prihatin terhadap fakta di lapangan yang merugikan petani, "mulai pekan ini di Kodam-Kodam, surat perintah sudah saya teken kemarin, dan minggu ini paling lambat sudah sosialisasi di seluruh Kodam."

Tuban, East Java (B2B) - Decision-making by quickly and precisely was disclosed agai by Indonesian Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman, to overcome the constraints of purchasing grain of farmers in Tuban district, East Java as farmers complained through several villages head in Jenu subdistrict and army soldiers in Jenu's military subdistrict commander, while the head of Bojonegoro's Logistics Agency admits he still refers to provisions of maximum water content 25%, and not on the ministerial decree No. 3/2017 governments that tolerate up to 30%.

"There is nothing wrong in Tuban related to the purchase of grain, because it has been the policy of President Joko Widodo to be obeyed by all parties through to ministerial decree No. 3/2017. Nothing wrong either it was farmer, the village chief and army personnel ... it was instruction of president," Minister Sulaiman said here in his speech after the rice harvest and monitor purchase of grain by the Bulog on Tuesday afternoon (March 7).

These obstacles are revealed after Minister Sulaiman dialogue with  villages head and Sergeant Suwandi, who complained about  attitude of Bulog Tuban officers who refuse to buy grain for various reasons such as water content and dirty. Earlier, two men uncovered by Minister Sulaiman after they accused the Bulog is not fair, but they are not farmers but an accomplice of middlemen.

"Do not slander are here, because your statement is more like an observer without the data and facts. For Sergeant Suwandi, appoint you as monitors, my father is army but today I became a minister. Report to me if you get into trouble, if you need to go to Jakarta, airfares and hotel my responsibility," Mr Sulaiman said.

The Field Commander
Incorrect information being hampered orders of President Joko Widodo, encourages Territorial Assistant Chief of Staff Army Gen. Komarudin Simanjuntak to answer the complaints of farmers and personnel of army, that the Bulog may not refuse purchase grain from farmers because it is the President's instructions. The solution, President Widodo as supreme commander appointed Minister Sulaiman as 'field commander' then the command must be obeyed, and carried out by the Army, the Bulog and the department of agriculture in the area.

"I get instructions from the president through the agriculture minister, as stated by TNI chief Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo, and chief of staff. The commander in the field is only one, the  agriculture minister and is valid across the country. The order of president must be success implemented by the military. It must be success. Soldiers ... this is the commander orders," Maj. Gen Komaruddin.

He added that whenever there is activity in the rice harvest throughout Indonesia, there will be a command post staff supported by the department of agriculture at the provincial/district staff from the Bulog, and ground troops to assist the farmers.

"These instructions are very important, remember this applies across the country. The entire command post at the provincial level will be controlled by colonels or brigadier general. Army and the Bulog has become one, one commander, we got an order from the minister of agriculture. The order to establish command post took effect this week, be careful not to get caught. Remember, the army or not to be apprehended, it was the presidential order," he said.

He admitted that he was concerned about the actions that harm farmers, "starting this week across the regional military command provincial level, after I signed the warrant, and this week the slowest already dissemination across the military Command."