IPW: Bukan Mustahil TNI yang Atasi Lagi Preman Yogya bila Polri Diam

IPW: Polri Silent, Not Impossible TNI Members Action Again to Eradicate Thugs

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

IPW: Bukan Mustahil TNI yang Atasi Lagi Preman Yogya bila Polri Diam
Warga Yogya unjuk rasa menentang aksi premanisme (Foto: vivanews)

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesia Police Watch mendesak Kepolisian Daerah (Polda) Yogyakarta segera menuntaskan kasus pembunuhan Sersan Satu TNI, Heru Santoso di Hugo´s Cafe. Pasalnya, aksi premanisme kembali terjadi di Yogyakarta seperti pada Minggu (5/5), dua anggota TNI dari Batalion Infantri 403 luka-luka setelah dikeroyok di sebuah minimarket di Jl Senturan, Sleman.

"Segera tuntaskan kasus Sertu Heru Santoso karena akan membuat preman di Yogyakarta besar kepala karena merasa dilindungi. Kalau tidak, bukan mustahil apabila anggota TNI akan kembali bertindak memburu preman di Yogya," kata Ketua Presidium Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Neta S Pane melalui keterangan tertulisnya, Rabu (8/5).

Neta mengingatkan Kepala Polri Jenderal Timur Pradopo untuk memerintahkan Kepala Polda Yogyakarta, Brigadir Jenderal Haka Astana untuk melakukan operasi pemberantasan preman dan menindak pejabat Polda Yogya maupun personil polisi yang melindungi aksi para preman.

"Para preman dengan inisial Hrn, Du, BT, Drh, Tr, G, MB, ZA, YF, SM, EBP, ATS, He, M, dan Im menjadi orang-orang yang ditakuti di Yogyakarta," ungkap Neta.

Menurut Neta, ancaman tindak premanisme sudah tidak bisa ditolerir karena sudah mencemaskan. Apabila tidak segera diatasi maka konflik horisontal akan terjadi dan tidak mustahil prajurit TNI yang turun langsung memburu para preman tersebut.

"Untuk menuntaskan kasus Cebongan, kasus Hugos Cafe harus dituntaskan lebih dulu. IPW berharap, Tim Investigasi TNI segera turun menelusuri kasus Hugo´s Cafe, karena diduga ada oknum aparat yang terlibat dan hingga kini belum diusut," ungkap Neta.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) has urged Regional Police (Police) Yogyakarta immediately solve the murder of Sergeant TNI, Heru Santoso at Hugo´s Cafe. Because the action again bullying occurred in Yogyakarta, as on Sunday (5/5), two members of the TNI from Infantry Battalion 403 were injured after attacked at a minimarket on Senturan Street, Sleman.

"As soon complete the case Sergeant Heru Santoso order goons in Yogya not big-headed, because they feel protected. Otherwise, it is not impossible if the military member who re-act hunt goons in Yogya," said Chairman of the Presidium of the Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) Neta S Pane through information written on Wednesday (8/5).

Neta reminds Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo to order the Yogyakarta Police Chief, Brigadier General Haka Astana to conduct operations against goons, and punish police officers Yogya and police personnel who protect thuggish action.

"The thugs initials HRN, Du, BT, DVM, Tr, G, MB, ZA, YF, SM, EBP, ATS, He, M, and Im into those a feared in Yogyakarta," said Neta.

According to Neta, threats of thuggish is intolerable because it was worried about. If not addressed then the horizontal conflict will happen and it is not impossible that soldiers immediately hunt down the thugs.

"To resolve the case Cebongan, Hugos Cafe case must be resolved first. IPW hope, right down military investigation team explore Hugo´s Cafe case, because there are unscrupulous officials allegedly involved and has yet to be investigated," said Neta.