Produksi Minyak Diasumsikan 900 Ribu Barel per Hari di RAPBN 2015

Indonesian Parliament Agrees to Oil Lifting Target of 900,00 Barrels per Day

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Produksi Minyak Diasumsikan 900 Ribu Barel per Hari di RAPBN 2015

Jakarta (B2B) - DPR dan pemerintah  menyepakati produksi minyak mentah dan kondensat RAPBN 2015 sebesar 900.000 barel per hari.

Ketua Komisi VII DPR Milton Pakpahan saat rapat kerja dengan Pelaksana Tugas Menteri ESDM Chairul Tanjung di Jakarta, Senin, mengatakan kesepakatan tersebut lebih tinggi dari usulan pemerintah sebesar 845.000 barel per hari.

"Kami minta pemerintah lebih melakukan upaya-upaya agar lifting minyak 2015 bisa mencapai 900.000 barel per hari," kata politisi Partai Demokrat itu.

Namun, kesepakatan tersebut dengan catatan pemerintah tetap pada angka 845.000 barel per hari.

Dalam rapat, Fraksi PDIP yang paling terlihat mendesak pemerintah mencapai produksi minyak 900.000 barel per hari.

Anggota Komisi VII DPR dari Fraksi PDIP Effendi Simbolon mengatakan, pemerintah masih mempunyai sejumlah ladang minyak yang bisa ditingkatkan produksinya.

"Kami minta pemerintah genjot kenaikan produksi lagi agar target 900.000 barel per hari bisa tercapai," ujarnya.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian parliament has agreed to set the crude and condensate lifting target in the Draft 2015 State Budget (RAPBN) at 900 thousand barrels per day (bpd).

Commission VII on Energy Affairs of the House of Representatives in a working meeting with Acting Chief Economic Minister Chairul Tanjung here on Monday stated that the agreed target for crude and condensate lifting is higher than the governments proposal of 845 thousand bpd set in the RAPBN 2015.

"We hope that the government will make efforts to achieve its crude lifting target for 2015 at 900 thousand bpd," the Commission VII chairman, Milton Pakpahan stated.

However, the agreement is accompanied by a clause specifying that the government will maintain its proposed figure of 845 thousand bpd.

During the meeting, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) faction expressed optimism on the decision to boost the crude lifting target to 900 thousand bpd.

PDIP is the winning party in the legislative elections held on April 9, 2014, which nominated President-elect Joko Widodo in the July 9, 2014 presidential race.