Orang Terkaya Sejagat, 62 Miliuner Kuasai Lebih dari Separuh Uang di Dunia

Who Are the 62 Billionaires that have More Cash than Half of the Planet`s Population?

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Orang Terkaya Sejagat, 62 Miliuner Kuasai Lebih dari Separuh Uang di Dunia
Bill Gates, orang terkaya di dunia bersama 61 miliuner dunia (Foto: mirror.co.uk)

MEREKA adalah 62 orang terkaya di dunia yang nilai kekayaan mereka lebih dari separuh uang yang dimiliki penduduk bumi.

Nilai kekayaan mereka tidak sebanding dengan kampanye kemanusiaan mereka yang dituding hanya sebagai kedok, tapi aset mereka menunjukkan ketidaksetaraan kemampuan ekonomi, untuk mengingatkan para pemimpin dunia 'untuk sadar dan mencium dominasi ekonomi mereka', seperti dilansir mirror.co.uk

Namun siapa saja mereka, dan bagaimana mereka menjadi begitu kaya? Ini fakta tentang mereka...

Bill Gates
Lahir di Seattle, Washington, Gates masuk daftar orang terkaya di dunia sejak 1987. Dia mendirikan Microsoft pada 1975 dengan Paul Allen - juga masuk daftar tapi peringkatnya jauh di bawah Gates.

Meskipun mundur dari perusahaan dan lebih fokus pada kegiatan amal saat ini, dia tetap manusia terkaya di dunia. Kekayaannya $76.6 miliar, pria 60-tahun ini drop out dari Universitas Harvard ketika remaja tetapi kegagalan di perguruan tinggi menjadi penentu suksesnya.

Dia masih menjabat posisi kunci perusahaan termasuk presiden direktur dan kepala arsitek aplikasi di Microsoft.

Amancio Ortega
Berada di urutan kedua terkaya dunia adalah Amancio Ortega. Pria Spanyol 79 tahun, pemilik jaringan retail Zara, kekayaannya $67,1 miliar.

Hidup dengan istri keduanya di Galicia, Spanyol, kerajaan mode Inditex pemilik Massimo Dutti, Oysho, Zara Home, Kiddy's Class, Tempe, Stradivarius, Pull and Bear dan Bershka.

Warren Buffett
Usia 85 tahun, kekayaan Warren Buffet $59.5 miliar. Dikenal sebagai investor paling sukses di dunia, ia kerap dijuluki sebagai "Wizard of Omaha."

Lahir di Omaha, Nebraska, pada 1930, ia putra darianggota Kongres AS, Howard Buffett.

Dia pertama kali menjadi jutawan pada 1962, dan menjamin status miliarder pada 1990 dua tahun setelah investasi besar di saham Coca-Cola Company. Ia juga dikenal menjadi pendukung besar dan pendukung awal Barack Obama. Bulan lalu ia mendukung Hilary Clinton sebagai presiden menjelang pemilihan 2016.

Jeff Bezos
Pendiri Amazon.co.uk, Jeff Bezos, 52 tahun, asetnya $50,4 miliar.

Pengusaha teknologi digital Amerika ini mendirikan Amazon pada 1994, berawal dari toko buku online.
Memulai website di garasinya, ia mengakui besarnya potensi ritel online dan di tahun-tahun berikutnya situsnya menjadi raksasa belanja online.

Carlos Slim Helu
Carlos Slim Helu, 75 tahun, warga Meksiko adalah pemilik Telecom. Kekayaannya mencapai $48.7 miliar, dan dikenal sebagai "Warren Buffett Meksiko".

Miliuner yang kerap jadi sasaran kritik, mengingat bahwa ia mengumpulkan kekayaannya di Meksiko dibanding pendapatan per kapita rakyat Meksiko $14.500 setahun.

Namun dia tampaknya tidak peduli dengan kritik. Dia menjawab: "Ketika Anda hidup untuk mendengar pendapat orang lain, Anda akan mati. Saya tidak ingin hidup dengan berpikir tentang bagaimana saya akan dikenang.."

Larry Ellison, 71 tahun, presiden direktur dan chief technology officer Oracle, perusahaan hardware komputasi. Kekayaannya $43 miliar, dan dikenal sebagai orang ketiga terkaya di Amerika versi Forbes.

Ellison aktif dalam politik AS, dan menjadi sorotan setelah mengecam aksi kontraktor NSA Edward Snowden. "Snowden belum dapat mengidentifikasi korban 'salah tangkap' dari data NSA.'

Mark Zuckerberg
Pria 31 tahun menjadi kaya raya berkat situs jejaring sosial Facebook. Ketenarannya mendorong sutradara Hollywood David Fincher membuat film The Social Network sebagai biopic (film biografi). Kekayaannya $41.6 miliar, namun ia berjanji untuk memberikan 99% saham di website untuk publik tahun lalu.

Charles Koch
Pria gaek, 80 tahun, kekayaannya $39,7 miliar sebagai pemilik dan CEO Koch Industries yang dijalankan bersama saudaranya, David. Bersama David, mereka memulai karir mereka di penyulingan minyak. Kini, industri Koch adalah perusahaan swasta terbesar kedua di Amerika Serikat.

David Koch, adik Charles Koch, 75, hartanya $39,7 miliar. Dia wakil presiden eksekutif Koch Industries.

Liliane Bettencourt
Wanita renta 93 tahun adalah pendiri L'Oreal. Asetnya $36,5 miliar dan riwayat hidupnya lekat dengan predikat sebagai wanita paling berpengaruh di dunia.

Michael Bloomberg
Pria 73 tahun ini hartanya mencapai $36 miliar. Dia menjabat Walikota New York pada 2002 dan 2013. Bloomberg adalah pendiri dan bos eksekutif Bloomberg, perusahaan berita keuangan.

Setelah terjadinya serangan teror 9/11, Bloomberg mengatakan bahwa ia merasa kebebasan sipil harus diatasi untuk melindungi warga negara.

Setelah pengeboman Boston Marathon: "Orang-orang yang khawatir tentang privasi boleh saja khawatir, tapi kita hidup di dunia yang kompleks di mana Anda harus memiliki tingkat keamanan yang lebih besar daripada yang Anda lakukan kembali di masa lalu, jika Anda akan [...] hukum kami dan penafsiran pada Konstitusi, saya pikir, harus berubah."

Larry Page, pria 42 tahun ini asetnya $35,8 miliar. Dia kaya raya setelah ikut mendirikan Google. Ilmuwan komputer ini juga dianugerahi penghargaan sains Amerika.

Sergey Brin, pria 42 tahun ini asetnya $35,2 miliar dan mendirikan Google dengan Larry Page. Ahli komputasi kelahiran Rusia disebut sebagai penggagas moto Google: "Mengatur informasi dunia dan membuatnya dapat diakses secara universal dan berguna."

Bernard Arnault, kekayaannya bernilai $32,7 miliar. Pria 66 tahun ini pemilik LVMH, raksasa fashion dan barang-barang mewah. Lucunya, dia juga mendukung investasi di Guinness pada 1988 senilai $1,5 miliar.

Jim Walton adalah kepala eksekutif Arvest Bank Group Inc, juga pemilik Walmart. 68 tahun hartanya $32,5 miliar.

Alice Walton wanita 66 tahun adalah putri dari pendiri Walmart Sam Walton. Asetnya $30.9 miliar.

Sam Walton Robson
Diberi nama Sam Walton Robson - setelah ayahnya yang mendirikan Walmart - menjabat presiden direktur Walmart pada 1992 dan 2015. Usia 72 tahun asetnya $30,5 miliar.

Christy Walton, wanita ini janda dari John Walton. Dia salah satu anak Sam Walton, pendiri Walmart. Pria 61 tahun ini asetnya $29,6 miliar.

Li Ka-shing disebut sebagai orang terkaya di Asia. Asal Hong Kong usia 87 tahun asetnya $28,6 miliar. Dalam profilnya, dia disebut lulusan Universitas Harvard, sebuah artikel mengatakan: "Dari awal yang sederhana di Cina sebagai anak guru, pengungsi, dan kemudian sebagai salesman, Li mempelajari integritas dan kemampuan adaptasi.

Wang Jianlin, 61 tahun, bos Dalian Wanda Group. Sebagai  pengembang real estate terbesar China, Jianlin asetnya mencapai $26,4 miliar.

Phil Knight, 77 tahun adalah pendiri Nike. Dia sebelumnya menjabat kepala eksekutif perusahaan produk olahraga. Asetnya $24,9 miliar.

George Soros, asetnya mencapai $24,5 miliar. Menjadi kaya lantaran hedge fund, kini 85 tahun lahir di Hungaria.
Soros menjadi pendukung partai-partai politik berhaluan kiri, dan menyumbangkan lebih $11 miliar untuk amal selama bertahun-tahun.

Jorge Paulo Lemann
Investor asal Swiss-Brasil adalah orang terkaya di Brasil. Dia kaya raya melalui perusahaannya Garantia yang dijuluki sebagai 'Goldman Sachs Brasil' dan pada 1990 ia duduk di dewan komisaris Brahma bir, tetapi ditinggalkannya tahun itu juga. Asetnya mencapai $23,8 miliar.

Steve Ballmer, 59 tahun, menjabat kepala eksekutif Microsoft dari 2000 sampai 2014. Dia kini pemilik Los Angeles Clippers, tim basket. Asetnya $23,9 miliar.

Georg Schaeffler, asetnya mencapai $23,2 miliar, tajir karena bantalan bola. Pria Jerman ini berusia 51 tahun.

Forrest Mars Jr. pemilik raksasa biskuit Forrest Mars, asetnya $23 miliar. Pria 84 ini cucu Frank C Mars, pendiri Mars Inc.

Jacqueline Mars, 76 tahun asetnya $23 miliar dan cucu Frank C Mars.

John Mars, 76 tahun asetnya $23 miliar. Ia cucu dari Frank C Mars, dan tahun lalu Ratu Elizabeth memberinya gelar bangsawan di Windsor Castle.

David Thomson, pemilik raksasa media asetnya $22,8 miliar. Pria 58 tahun asal Kanada dan dikenal sebagai pemilik Reuters, ganti nama jadi Thomson Reuters setelah dia membeli grup perusahaan milik ayahnya.

Sheldon Adelson, 82 tahun, Kekayaannya $22,5 miliar.

Mukesh Ambani jadi tajir lantaran minyak, gas dan petrokimia. Asetnya $22,3 miliar, usia 58 tahun.

Shau Kee Lee, 87, asal Hong Kong.  Dia kaya karena real estate dan hartanya $22,2 miliar.

Maria Franca Fissolo 98 tahun. Pemilik Nutella dengan aset $21,8 miliar. Dia juga pemilik Kinder Eggs dan Ferrero Rocher.

Jack Ma, hartanya $21,8 miliar asal Cina. Pria 51 tahun ini tajir lantaran bisnis e-commerce.

Leonardo Del Vecchio, 80 tahun hartanya $21,2 miliar. Asal Italia, dia kaya karena kacamata melalui perusahaannya, Sunglass Hut.

Stefan Persson, 68 tahun, pemilik H & M. Asal Swedia, pengecer pakaian dengan harta $20,8 miliar.

Carl Icahn, 79 tahun dari Amerika Serikat, asetnya $18,5 miliar. Ia mendirikan Icahn Enterprises, dan kini pemegang saham mayoritas dari perusahaan.

Michael Dell, 50 tahun, kaya karena kompter Dell. Hartanya $18,4 miliar.

Paul Allen, yang ikut mendirikan Microsoft dengan Bill Gates, usianya 62 tahun. Asetnya $17,9 miliar.

Beate Heister dan Karl Albrecht Jr, Pemilik supermarket Jerman, Beate Heister dan Karl Albrecht Jr hartanya $17,7 miliar.

Susanne Klatten, 53 tahun, kaya raya karena obat-obatan dan BMW. Hartanya $17,5 miliar.

Anne Cox Chambers, 96 tahun, raja media senilai $17,3 miliar. Dia adalah direktur dewan Coca-Cola Company pada 1980, dan memiliki saham diAutotrader dan The Atlanta Journal-Constitution dan The Palm Beach Post.

Dhanin Chearavanont, pengusaha makanan usia 76 tahun, hartanya $17,2 miliar.

Tadashi Yanai, ssetnya $17,2 miliar. Usia 66 tahun asal Jepang, dan secara teratur menjadi salah satu orang terkaya di Jepang. Dia pemilik perusahaan pakaian dan makanan di bawah bendera, Fast Retailing.

Laurene Powell Jobs, 52 tahun, dari Amerika Serikat, hartanya $17,1 miliar. Jobs adalah janda Apple jenius Steve Jobs. Dia juga pendiri Emerson Collective, kampanyekan kebijakan pendidikan, imigrasi dan reformasi sosial.

Ma Huateng, pengusaha media online, hartanya $16,8 miliar. Dia berusia 44 tahun dan kepala eksekutif Tencent Inc, salah satu perusahaan online terbesar di China.

Len Blavatnik, 58 tahun, dari Amerika Serikat, hartanya $16,6 miliar.

Pangeran Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, 60 tahun, hartanya $16,6 miliar.

Theo Albrecht, Jr dari Jerman, putra pendiri Aldi. Usia 65 tahun hartanya $16.1 miliar.

Stefan Quandt, hartanya $16 miliar, Stefan Quandt pemilik BMW dan Rolls Royce sebagai sumber 90% dari hartanya. Dia menjabat anggota dewan pengawas di BMW. Asal Jerman berusia 49 tahun.

Azim Premji, 70 tahun, kaya raya lantaran perangkat lunak. Warga India hartanya $16 miliar.

Michael Otto, kaya raya lantaran bisnis ritel dan real estate, asetnya $15,9 miliar. Usia 72 tahun asal Jerman.

Dilip Shanghvi hartanya $15,9 miliar. Usia 60 tahun, dari India, kaya raya dari bisnis farmasi.

Ray Dalio, 66, kaya karena hedge fund. Dia pendiri Bridgewater Associates. Asal Amerika, hartanya $15,7 miliar.

Donald Bren, 83 adalah raksasa real estate. Bern adalah kepala eksekutif Dassault Group. Hartanya $15,2 miliar.

Serge Dassault, pengusaha penerbangan Perancis usia 90. Hartanya $14,8 miliar, dan mantan walikota  Corbeil-Essonnes - pinggiran kota dekat Paris.

Hinduja Brothers, kini berbasis di Inggris, Harta Hinduja Brothers $14,5 miliar. Mereka pemilik banyak perusahaan termasuk bank, kelompok media, dan perusahaan energi.

Aliko Dangote, 58, kaya raya dari bisnis semen, gula dan tepung. Asal Nigeria hartanya $14,3 miliar.

Dieter Schwarz, 76 tahun, kaya di Jerman dari bisnis ritel melalui ritel melalui Lidl. Hartanya $14.2 miliar.

James Simons, 77 tahun, kaya raya dari hedge fund. Warga AS hartanya $14 miliar.

Cheng Yu-tung dari Hong Kong, berusia 90 tahun. Hartanya senilai $13,9 miliar.

Charles Ergen kaya raya lantaran Dish Network. Asal Amerika Serikat usia 62 tahun dan hartanya$13,9 miliar.

THEY ARE the richest 62 people on the planet who have more cash combined than half of Earth's population.

The sheer scale of their wealth has seen charities campaigning against economic inequality warn world leaders this morning to "wake up and smell the coffee".

But who are these people, and how have they become so wealthy? Let's take a look.

Bill Gates
Born in Seattle, Washington, Gates has been included in the world's top rich lists since 1987. He co-founded Microsoft back in 1975 with Paul Allen - who makes an appearance on this list a little lower down.

Despite stepping back from the company and focusing more on charitable endeavours these days, he is still the richest man in the world. Boasting $76.6billion, the 60-year-old dropped out of Harvard University as a young man but went on to make his fortune regardless.

He held positions including chief executive chairman and chief software architect at Microsoft.
Gates was the largest shareholder in the company until May 2014.

Amancio Ortega
Coming in second on the latest rich list is Amancio Ortega. The 79-year-old Spaniard, who owns clothing giant Zara, is worth $67.1billion.

Living with his second wife in Galicia, Spain, the fashion mogul's parent company Inditex also owns Massimo Dutti, Oysho, Zara Home, Kiddy's Class, Tempe, Stradivarius, Pull and Bear and Bershka.

Warren Buffett
At age 85, Warren Buffet is worth $59.5billion. Known as the most successful investor in the world, he is often referred to as the "Wizard of Omaha".

Born in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1930, he was the son of Congressman Howard Buffett.

He first became a millionaire in 1962, and secured billionaire status by 1990 two years after investing heavily in Coca-Cola Company stock. He is also known for being a big supporter and initial backer of Barack Obama. Last month he endorsed Hilary Clinton for president ahead of the 2016 election.

Jeff Bezos
Amazon.co.uk founder Jeff Bezos, 52, is worth $50.4billion. The American technology entrepreneur founded Amazon back in 1994, beginning as an online book retailer. Starting the website in his garage, he recognised the potential in online retail and in the years that followed his site became an online shopping giant.

Carlos Slim Helu
Mexican Carlos Slim Helu, 75, is the owner of Telecom. He is worth $48.7billion, and is known as the "Warren Buffett of Mexico".

The billionaire has come in for some criticism however, given that he amassed his fortune in Mexico where the average income per capita is $14,500 a year.

But he seems unconcerned with the critics. He responded: "When you live for others' opinions, you are dead. I don't want to live thinking about how I'll be remembered."

Larry Ellison
Larry Ellison, 71, is the executive chairman and chief technology officer for Oracle, a computing and hardware manufacturing company. He is worth $43billion, and is known as the third-wealthiest man in America according to Frobes.

Ellison has been active in US politics, and hit the headlines for slamming NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden. He said: "Snowden had yet to identify a single person who had been 'wrongly injured' by the NSA’s data collection."

Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg, 31, made his fortune through the social networking site Facebook. How he came to fame was documented in the David Fincher film The Social Network. He is worth $41.6billion, however he pledged to give away 99% of his shares in the website last year.

Charles Koch
Charles Koch, 80, is worth $39.7billion as the co-owner and chief executive of Koch Industries which he runs with his brother David. Along with his brother they began their careers in oil refining. Now, Koch industries is the second-largest privately held company in the US.

David Koch, 75, is also worth $39.7billion. He serves as executive vice president of Koch Industries.

Liliane Bettencourt
93, is the founder of L'Oreal. She is worth $36.5billion and features regularly in lists documenting the world's most powerful women.

Michael Bloomberg
73, is worth $36billion. He served as the Mayor of New York between 2002 and 2013. Bloomberg is the founder and chief executive of Bloomberg, the finanical news company.

Having dealt with the fallout of the 9/11 terror attacks, Bloomberg has said that he feels civil liberties should be curbed to protect citizens.

After the Boston Marathon bombing he said: "The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry, but we live in a complex world where you're going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will [...] our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change."

Larry Page, 42, is worth $35.8billion. He made his money as the co-founder of Google. The computer scientist has also been elected to the National Academy of Engineering.

Sergey Brin, 42, is worth $35.2billion and co-founded Google with Larry Page. The Russian-born computing expert is said to be behind Google's motto: "Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."

Bernard Arnault, is worth $32.7billion. The 66-year-old owns LVMH, a fashion and luxury goods giant. Funnily enough, he was also behind a $1.5billion investment in Guinness back in 1988.

Jim Walton is the chief executive of Arvest Bank Group Inc, which owns Walmart. The 68-year-old is worth $32.5billion.

Alice Walton, the 66-year-old is the daughter of Walmart founder Sam Walton. She is worth $30.9billion.

Sam Robson Walton
Sam Robson Walton - named after his father who founded Walmart - served as chairman of Walmart between 1992 and 2015. The 72-year-old is worth $30.5billion.

Christy Walton is the widow of John Walton. He was one of the sons of Sam Walton, Walmart's founder. The 61-year-old is worth $29.6billion.

Li Ka-shing is said to be the richest person in Asia. From Hong Kong, the 87-year-old is worth $28.6billion. In a profile of Ka-shing from Harvard University, an article said: "From his humble beginnings in China as a teacher's son, a refugee, and later as a salesman, Li provides a lesson in integrity and adaptability.

Wang Jianlin, 61, is the chairman of Dalian Wanda Group. As China's largest real estate developer, Jianlin has amassed $26.4billion.

Phil Knight, the 77-year-old is the founder of Nike. He has previously served as chief executive of the sporting goods company. Knight is worth $24.9billion.

George Soros is worth $24.5billion. Making his money through hedge funds, the 85-year-old was born in Hungary.
Soros has been a big backer of left-leaning political parties, and has donated more than $11billion to charitable causes over the years.

Jorge Paulo Lemann
The Swiss-Brazilian investor Jorge Paulo Lemann is the richest man in Brazil. He made his money through his company Garantia - dubbed the "Brazilian Goldman Sachs." In 1990 he sat on the board for Brahma beer, but left in 1990. He is worth $23.8billion.

Steve Ballmer, 59, served as the chief executive of Microsoft from 2000 to 2014. He is now the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, a basketball team. Ballmer is worth $23.9billion.

Georg Schaeffler, worth $23.2billion, made his money through ball bearings. The German is aged 51,

Forrest Mars Jr, confectionery giant Forrest Mars is worth $23billion. Aged 84, he is the grandson of Mars Inc founder Frank C Mars.

Jacqueline Mars, 76, is worth $23billion and the granddaughter of Frank C Mars.

John Mars, 76, is worth $23billion. He is also the grandson of Frank C Mars, and last year the Queen awarded him honorary knighthood at Windsor Castle.

David Thomson, media giant David Thomson is worth $22.8billion. The 58-year-old is from Canada and is best known for owning news agency Reuters, renamed Thomson Reuters after his father's company purchased the group.

Sheldon Adelson, 82, made his money through casinos. He is 82 and worth $22.5billion.

Mukesh Ambani made his cash through oil, gas and petrochemicals. He is worth $22.3billion, aged 58.

Lee Shau Kee, 87, is from Hong Kong. He made his money in real estate and is worth $22.2billion.

Maria Franca Fissolo is aged 98. The Nutella owner is worth $21.8billion. Her company also owns Kinder Eggs and Ferrero Rocher.

Jack Ma, worth $21.8billion, is from China. The 51-year-old made his money through e-commerce.

Leonardo Del Vecchio, the 80-year-old is worth $21.2billion. From Italy, he made his money in eyeglasses through his company Sunglass Hut.

Stefan Persson, 68, is the owner of H&M. From Sweden, the clothing retailer is worth $20.8billion.

Carl Icahn, 79, from the United States, is worth $18.5billion. He founded Icahn Enterprises, and is now the majority shareholder of the company.

Michael Dell, 50, made his money in Dell computing. He is worth $18.4billion.

Paul Allen, who co-founded Microsoft with Bill Gates, is aged 62. He is worth $17.9billion.

Beate Heister and Karl Albrecht Jr, German supermarket owners Beate Heister and Karl Albrecht Jr are worth $17.7billion.

Susanne Klatten, 53, made her money through pharmaceuticals and BMW. She is worth $17.5billion.

Anne Cox Chambers, 96, is a media mogul worth $17.3billion. She was a director of the Coca-Cola Company board during the 1980s, and owns a stake in Autotrader and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and The Palm Beach Post.

Dhanin Chearavanont, Food businessman Dhanin Chearavanont is age 76. He is worth $17.2billion.

Tadashi Yanai is worth $17.2billion. The 66-year-old is from Japan, and is regularly cited as one of the richest people in the country. He is behind clothing and food companies which fall under the banner of his company Fast Retailing.

Laurene Powell Jobs, 52, from the United States, is worth $17.1billion. Jobs is the widow of Apple genius Steve Jobs. She is also the founder of the Emerson Collective, which campaigns on policies concerning education, immigration and social reform.

Ma Huateng, an online media businessman, is worth $16.8billion. He is 44 years old and chief executive of Tencent Inc, one of China's biggest online companies.

Len Blavatnik, 58, from the United States, is worth $16.6billion.

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, 60, is worth $16.6billion.

Theo Albrecht, Jr from Germany, is the son of Aldi's founder. The 65-year-old is worth $16.1billion.

Stefan Quandt, worth $16billion, Stefan Quandt has BMW and Rolls Royce to thank for 90% of his fortune. He serves as a supervisory board member at BMW. The German is 49 years old.

Azim Premji, 70, made his money in software. The Indian is worth $16billion.

Michael Otto, who made his fortune in retail and real estate, is worth $15.9billion. The 72-year-old is Germany.

Dilip Shanghvi is worth $15.9billion. The 60-year-old, from India, made his money in pharmaceuticals

Ray Dalio, 66, made his money in hedge funds. He is the founder of Bridgewater Associates. From the United States, he is worth $15.7billion.

Donald Bren, 83 is a real estate giant. Bern is the chief executive of Dassault Group. He is worth $15.2billion.

Serge Dassault, the French aviation businessman is aged 90. He is worth $14.8billion, and is the former mayor of the city of Corbeil-Essonnes - a suburb near Paris.

Hinduja Brothers, now based in the UK, the Hinduja Brothers are worth $14.5billion. They own various companies including banks, media groups, and energy firms.

Aliko Dangote, 58, made his money through cement, sugar and flour. The Nigerian is worth $14.3billion.

Dieter Schwarz, 76, made his fortune in Germany through retail through Lidl. He is worth 14.2billion.

James Simons, 77, made his money through hedge funds. The United States businessman is worth $14billion.

Cheng Yu-tung from Hong Kong, is aged 90. He is worth $13.9billion.

Charles Ergen made his money through the Dish Network. From the United States, he is aged 62 and worth $13.9billion.