Digester Biogas Dilirik Korea sebagai Peluang OVOP dari Bogor

Biogas Digester Chance as OVOP of Indonesia`s Bogor

KISAH SUKSES membangun suatu program pengembangan regional dengan pendekatan One Vilage One Product (OVOP) di Jepang dan Thailand mengilhami Gerakan OVOP di sejumlah negara, termasuk di Indonesia. Gerakan OVOP dirintis di Oita Perfecture pada 1979 oleh Morihiko Hiramatsu, mantan Menteri Perekonomian, Perdagangan dan Industri dari Jepang.

Dalam konsep OVOP, masyarakat harus dapat menghasilkan produk terpilih dengan nilai tambah tinggi. Artinya, satu desa menghasilkan satu produk utama yang kompetitif sebagai usaha meningkatkan pendapatan dan standar kehdiupan penduduk di desa tersebut.

Ciomas di Bogor, Jawa Barat tengah dibidik oleh Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) yang menyimpan potensi sebagai produsen digester
biogas, energi terbarukan, yang dikembangkan pelaku UKM, PT Swen Inovasi Transfer (Swen IT).

Deputi Bidang Pengkajian Sumberdaya Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Meliadi Sembiring bersama timnya tengah melakukan pengkajian terhadap peluang Swein IT sebagai OVOP dari Ciomas. Terlebih peluang digester biogas menarik perhatian investor dari Korea Selatan, Green Business Center.

Saat ini OVOP yang menjadi milestones di Indonesia adalah asparagus dari Badung di Bali, kopi Tanggamus (Lampung) dan Coklat Palopo (Sulawesi Selatan). "Kami tengah melakukan pengkajian bersama pihak dari Korea Selatan, semoga Swein IT dapat menjadi kebanggaan OVOP dari Jawa Barat," kata Meliadi Sembiring. (Foto2: B2B/MYA)

THE SUCCESS story of the development of a regional program to approach the One Village One Product (OVOP) in Japan and Thailand inspire OVOP movement in a number of countries, including Indonesia. This movement was pioneered in Oita Perfecture in 1979 by Morihiko Hiramatsu, former Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan.

In the OVOP concept, people should be able to give specific products with high added value. It means, the village can produce competitive products to improve the incomes and living standards its people.

Ciomas sub-district in Bogor district of West Java provice being targeted by the Indonesian Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Ministry as a manufacturer of biogas digester, renewable energy which developed by SMEs, Swen Innovasi Transfer Corp. and known as the Swen IT.

Deputy Resource Assessment for SMEs, Meliadi Sembiring and his team is conducting an assessment of opportunities Swein IT as OVOP of Ciomas. The biogas digester attract investors from South Korea, Green Business Center.

Currently the milestones of OVOP in Indonesia is asparagus of Badung in Bali, coffee of Tanggamus (Lampung) and cocoa of Palopo (South Sulawesi). "We are conducting studies with companies from South Korea, hopefully it can be the pride of West Java," Mr Sembiring said. (Foto2: B2B/Mya)