Barantan Ajak Jurnalis Kunjungi Rumah Walet dalam Berita Foto

Indonesian Swiftlet Nests Exports in Pictures

INDONESIA merupakan pemasok sarang burung walet terbesar di dunia dengan produksi rata-rata lebih dari 100 ton per tahun atau 80% dari produksi dunia melampaui Thailand, Vietnam, Singapura, Myanmar, Malaysia, India dan Srilanka.

"China sangat hati-hati mengeluarkan ijin ekspor langsung sarang walet dari Indonesia, dengan ketentuan utama kandungan nitrit di bawah 30 ppm," kata Kepala Balai Besar Karantina Pertanian Surabaya, Eliza Suryati Rusli di Surabaya pada Senin (12/10).

Menurutnya, pemerintah melalui Barantan mendukung pemenuhan persyaratan rumah walet dan rumah produksi sarang walet untuk mendapat registrasi, sehingga AQCIQ lebih mudah melakukan penelusuran riwayat sarang walet.

"Barantan terus mendorong rumah walet dan eksportir untuk memenuhi ketentuan China, tapi kalau lebih nyaman mengekspor ke pasar gelap, ya kami tidak bisa menghalangi untuk masuk ke Hong Kong, yang harganya jualnya jauh di bawah China," kata Eliza. (Foto2: B2B/Mac)

UNTIL NOW, Indonesia is a producer and supplier of swiftlet nests in the world with an average production of over 100 tonnes per year or 80% of world production surpassed Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Myanmar, Malaysia, India and Sri Lanka.

"China is very strict permit direct export swiftlet nest from Indonesia, the main provisions of nitrite content below 30 ppm," said Eliza Suryati Rusli as Head of the Agricultural Quarantine Major Service of Surabaya, known as the BBKP Surabaya recently.

According to her, Indonesian government through the Barantan support the swiftlet house and production house swiftlet nests to get the registration, so AQCIQ easier to trace the history of swiftlet nests.

"We continue to encourage of swiftlet houses and exporters to meet the requirements of China, but if it would prefer export to the black market, so we can not prohibit them export to Hong Kong, which is the selling price per kg cheaper than China," she said. (Pictures of B2B/Mac)