Kasad Kemudikan Traktor, Mentan jadi Navigator

The Collaboration of Indonesian Army and Agriculture Ministry

MENTERI PERTANIAN RI Andi Amran Sulaiman tak dapat menutupi kegembiraannya atas dukungan TNI AD, Kementerian Pertanian RI dapat menambah luas tanam hingga 700 ribu hektar, diperkirakan tambahan produksi minimal 2,5 juta ton gabah kering giling.

Hal itu dikemukakan Menteri Amran kepada pers di Jakarta, belum lama ini usai rapat koordinasi dengan Kepala Staf TNI AD (Kasad) Jenderal TNI Gatot Nurmantyo dan jajaran TNI AD seluruh Indonesia.

Jenderal TNI Gatot Nurmantyo mengatakan pihaknya telah mengerahkan seluruh jajaran di komando daerah militer hingga ke tingkat komando rayon militer mendukung swasembada pangan tiga tahun ke depan.

Menurut catatan B2B, komitmen kedua belah pihak dimulai dari Kabupaten Bone dan Kabupaten Soppeng di Sulawesi Selatan, pertengahan Desember 2014 melalui penanaman padi dan bantuan mekanisasi pertanian.

Komitmen Mentan dan Kasad tampak pada kolaborasi keduanya saat menguji coba mesin traktor, dimana Mayjen Gatot Nurmantyo sebagai pengemudi dan Amran Sulaiman bertindak sebagai navigator. (Foto2: B2B/Mac)

INDONESIAN AGRICULTURE Minister, Andi Amran Sulaiman was very happy for the support of the army, Indonesia can increase the planting area to 700 thousand hectares, an estimated additional production of at least 2.5 million tons of dry milled grain.

The remark was made of Minister Sulaiman to the press in Jakarta recently, after a coordination meeting with the Chief of Army Staff Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo and ranks of the army across Indonesia.

Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo says it has deployed personnel of the regional military command to the rayon military command support achievement of food self-sufficiency in the next three years.

According to the records of B2B, the commitment of both sides starting from Bone and Soppeng district in South Sulawesi province in mid-December 2014 through simultaneous rice cultivation, and distribution of assistance agricultural mechanization.

The commitment of both seemed when tested the tractor machine in Soppeng, while Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo as a driver and Mr. Sulaiman as navigator. (Pictures of B2B/Mac)