Prancis Lancarkan Serangan Udara ke Target ISIS di Suriah, Ini Berita Fotonya

France Launched Fighter Jet Attacks on ISIS in Syria in Pictures

PRANCIS meningkatkan serangan mereka ke target ISIS di Suriah setelah meningkatkan dua kali lipat kapasitas serangan mereka dari kapal induk terbesarnya.

Pesawat jet tempur Prancis menuju Suriah diluncurkan untuk pertama kalinya dari kapal induk Charles de Gaulle. Kehadiran kapal induk tersebut menandakan peningkatan kekuatan militer Prancis yang mampu mengangkut hingga 25 pesawat jet.

Setelah menjalani beberapa hari latihan, jet tempur Perancis dikerahkan dari kapal induk yang bertujuan memukul target ISIS di ibukota de facto-nya, Raqqa di Suriah, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Serangan udara dilancarkan setelah angkatan udara Rusia mengerahkan 141 misi udara di Suriah pada akhir pekan dan menghantam 472 target ISIS di Suriah.
Kementerian Pertahanan Rusia yang dikutip hari ini mengatakan jet tempur menargetkan beberapa provinsi di Suriah itu untuk meningkatkan serangan udara terhadap kelompok teroris.

Di antara kota-kota yang jadi target bom Rusia adalah ibukota Damaskus, Aleppo, Homs serta markas ISIS di Raqqa. Moskow meluncurkan kampanye pemboman dalam mendukung pasukan Presiden Suriah Bashar al-Assad pada akhir September. (Foto2: MailOnline)

FRANCE scaled up their attacks on ISIS targets in Syria after doubling their strike capacity following the deployment of one of its top aircraft carriers.

French fighter jets bound for Syria launched for the first time from its Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier. The arrival of the carrier has meant that the capacity of France's air power has doubled with the vessel able to carry up to 26 jets.

After a few days of practice, French fighter jets were deployed from the carrier and used to hit ISIS attacks in its de-facto capital of Raqqa in Syria.

The attacks come after the Russian air force flew 141 missions over Syria at the weekend destroying 472 ISIS targets in the country. The Russian Defence Ministry was quoted today as saying jets targeted several provinces in the country as their bombing campaign against the terrorist group was stepped up.

Among the cities pounded with bombs were the capital Damascus, Aleppo, Homs as well as the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa. Moscow launched a bombing campaign in support of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's forces at the end of September. (Pictures of MailOnline)