Koordinasi Kemenkop UKM - Pemkab Karo Revitalisasi Pengungsi Sinabung

North Sumatera`s Karo District Govt Praised to Indonesian Cooperatives and SMEs Ministry

PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN Karo, Provinsi Sumatera mengapresiasi langkah cepat tanggap dari Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM melalui Deputi Bidang Pengkajian Sumberdaya Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Meliadi Sembiring untuk mendukung revitalisasi pengungsi Sinabung melalui koperasi. Untuk melakukan koordinasi dengan Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Karo, untuk menyusun model revitalisasi melalui koperasi terhadap 50 kepala keluarga (KK) pengungsi Sinabung.

Sekretaris Daerah Kabupaten Karo, Sumatera Utara, Saberina Tarigan mengatakan pihaknya mengapresiasi respon cepat Kemenkop UKM atas kehadiran Asisten Deputi Urusan Penelitian UKM, Karimuddin dan Asisten Deputi Urusan Pengembangan Perkaderan UKM, Asep Kamaruddin. Kedua pejabat eselon tersebut hadir di Kabanjahe, Karo, untuk membahas lebih lanjut hasil pertemuan Bupati Karo, Terkelin Brahmana dengan Meliadi Sembiring mewakili Menteri Koperasi dan UKM pada 13 Maret 2015, guna membahas revitalisasi pengungsi Sinabung di Kabupaten Karo melalui pembentukan koperasi di tempat relokasi pengungsi di Siosar, yang berada di kawasan hutan produksi.

"Kami terkejut. Cepat betul Deputi Tujuh Kemenkop merespons pertemuan pada 13 Maret pekan lalu, dan hari ini sudah hadir dua asisten deputi di kota Kabanjahe. Langkah ini sangat kami apresiasi sekaligus menunjukkan kepedulian Kemenkop UKM terhadap masa depan para pengungsi Sinabung," kata Saberina Tarigan didampingi para satuan kerja perangkat daerah (SKPD) terkait di kantor Pemkab Karo, Kamis siang (19/3). (Foto2: B2B/M. Achsan Atjo)

NORTH SUMATERA'S Karo District Government was hailed for quick response of Indonesian Cooperatives and SMEs Ministry through the Deputy Resource Assessment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Meliadi Sembiring to support the revitalization of Sinabung refugees through cooperatives. Senior official of Karo district government said the presence of two-echelon officials in the ministry to coordinate and create a model for revitalization through cooperative to 50 families of Sinabung refugees.

Secretary of Karo District Government, Saberina Tarigan said she appreciated the quick response of Indonesian Government has sent two senior officials, Deputy Assistant for SME Research, Karimuddin and Deputy Assistant Cadre Development of SMEs, Asep Kamaruddin to discuss further the results of meeting Karo Regent, Terkelin Brahmana with Meliadi Sembiring for representing the Indonesian Cooperatives and SMEs Minister, AAGN Puspayoga on March 13, 2015 to discuss the revitalization of Sinabung refugees through the formation of cooperatives in the relocation of refugees in Siosar, which is in production forest area.

"We were surprised. Mister deputy in the ministry very quickly respond to a meeting on March 13 last week, and today already present two assistant of deputy in my office in Kabanjahe city. We reatly appreciate the concern of the cooperative ministry for Sinabung refugees," Mrs Tarigan said who was accompanied by the work unit area related in her office on Thursday afternoon (19.03). (Pictures of B2B/M. Achsan Atjo)