Kunjungan Pers Ditjen PSP ke Yogya dalam Berita Foto

Indonesian Journalists are Invited Closer on Agriculture

MASUK ke kandang sapi di tengah aroma tak sedap dari hewan berkaki empat tersebut mewarnai kunjungan para wartawan dari Jakarta ke Yogyakarta, awal pekan ini.

Pengalaman menarik tersebut dialami para wartawan pada kunjungan pers ke Yogyakarta yang dipimpin Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal PSP, Abdul Madjid atas inisiasi Direktur Jenderal PSP, Sumarjo Gatot Irianto, para jurnalis diajak melihat langsung kondisi petani dan peternak.

"Para jurnalis maupun tim dari Ditjen PSP dapat melihat cara kerja kelompok apakah masih dengan cara tradisional maupun telah menerapkan teknologi modern, kami juga memberi saran dan masukan apabila ada kekurangan dan melihat prospek yang lebih baik," kata Abdul Madjid yang didampingi Kepala Bagian Umum Ditjen PSP, Soehoed. (Foto2: B2B/Mya)

GET INTO cowshed that stinking excrement of quadrupeds must be followed by journalists in Jakarta while visiting a cattle farm in the province of Yogyakarta earlier this week.

The exciting experience to be part of the press visit to Yogyakarta with Indonesia Directorate General of Infrastructure and Facilities of Agriculture Ministry, and led by the Secretary of Directorate General, Abdul Madjid initiated by the director general, Sumarjo Gatot Irianto, journalists invited to see firsthand the condition of of farmers and breeders.

"The journalists and our team look at how they work, whether they have applied traditional or modern technology, we will also provide advice and input of any deficiencies, to see better prospects," Mr Madjid said who was accompanied by his head of general affairs, Soehoed. (Pictures of B2B/Mya)