Presiden Terpilih akan Ditemui SBY setelah Putusan MK
President Yudhoyono to Meet President-elect after Constitutional Court Verdict

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

Jakarta (B2B) - Staf Khusus Presiden Bidang Komunikasi Politik, Daniel Sparrnga, mengatakan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono siap menemui presiden terpilih hasil Pemilu 2014 setelah ada putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK).

"Presiden SBY baru bisa berbicara dan membuka diri dengan presiden terpilih setelah ada putusan MK," kata Daniel di Komplek Istana Kepresidenan Cipanas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat, Sabtu.

Menurut Daniel, Presiden tidak mempunyai pandangan negatif terhadap apa-apa yang dilakukan oleh calon presiden yang mempersiapkan diri dalam masa transisi ini.

Ia juga mengingatkan bahwa Presiden Yudhoyono juga tahu diri karena pernah memiliki pengalaman pahit pada masa transisi tahun 2004 dimana tidak terdapat akses yang memadai ketika itu.

"Presiden tidak ingin hal ini terulang," kata Staf Khusus Presiden Bidang Komunikasi Politik.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will meet the president-elect from the 2014 election after the Constitutional Court issues its verdict.

"President Yudhoyono will be able to talk to the president-elect after the Constitutional Court issues its verdict," Presidential Special Staff of Political Communication Daniel Sparingga at the Cipanas Presidential Palace in Cianjur, West Java on Saturday.

Daniel noted that President Yudhoyono has no negative sentiments to convey to the president-elect, who is working to prepare for assuming the presidency during the transition period.

President Yudhoyono will leave office after the president-elect is inaugurated on October 20, 2014.

Daniel also said President Yudhoyono noted that there was no similar access during his transition after he was elected in 2004.

"President does not want the same thing to happen again," he said.

Previously, President Yudhoyono expected the transition process for the next president would run smoothly, so it could be a smooth succession and create a tradition for the future.

"The transition to the next government is needed and a good thing," said Yudhoyono in Jakarta, on Monday, Aug 4.