Polisi Kerahkan Tim Khusus `Cyber Crime` Usut Kasus Videotron Porno
Porn Film Plays on Jakarta Billboard, Police Investigate

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Minggu, 02 Oktober 2016
Foto: MailOnline

ADEGAN mesum dari film porno ditayangkan pada sebuah papan reklame video (videotron) pada siang hari bolong di Jakarta pada Jumat, Polda Metro Jaya mengerahkan spesialis kejahatan cyber pada Sabtu untuk mengusut kasus tersebut.

Video porno itu diawali percakapan mesra pria dan wanita di jam sibuk pada Jumat, mengejutkan pengendara kendaraan bermotor sekaligus membuat mereka tertawa melihat tayangan tak terduga tersebut di sepanjang jalan utama di lalu lintas yang padat di kawasan Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.

Aksi mesum itu berhenti setelah listrik videotron dimatikan setelah warga berinisiatif mencabut sambung listrik ke layar iklan raksasa - tetapi sebelum videotron dimatikan ternyata videonya telah direkam melalui ponsel pengendara dan menjadi viral di media sosial.

Hashtag "Videotron" langsung menjadi trending topic, dengan banyak spekulasi tentang siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan tersebut, yang ditayangkan hanya sepelemparan batu dari kantor walikota Jakarta Selatan.

File video - berjudul "Perhiasan Tokyo Hot" - tampaknya hasil streaming dari komputer pribadi.

Namun polisi masih mencari motif di balik skandal 'Videotron', kata Polda Metro Jaya dalam pernyataan resminya pada Sabtu.

Polisi mengerahkan unit khusus kejahatan cyber untuk melakukan penyelidikan untuk mengetahui apakah tayangan tersebut disengaja atau akibat aksi peretas, kata Kadiv Humas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Awi Setiyono.

Polisi telah menyita komputer dari kantor sebuah perusahaan swasta sebagai bagian dari penyelidikan mereka, tambahnya seperti dikutip AFP yang dilansir MailOnline.

AN EXPLICIT pornographic video was broadcast on a public billboard in broad daylight in Jakarta, with police and cyber crime specialists on Saturday searching for the culprit behind the gaffe.

The offending clip of a couple engaged in a steamy tryst beamed at peak hour on Friday, shocking and amusing motorists in equal measure as they crawled along the major road in heavy traffic.

The power was quickly shut off to the "videotron" -- as the giant advertising screens are locally known -- but not before the whole scandalous incident was captured on motorists' phones and sent viral on social media.

The hashtag "videotron" was quickly trending, with much speculation about who was responsible for the X-rated gaffe, which broadcast just a stone's throw from the South Jakarta mayor's office.

The video file -- titled "Watch Tokyo Hot" -- appeared to be streaming from a personal computer, prompting suggestions that someone's week was about to take a turn for the worse.

But police were still searching for a motive behind the "videotron" scandal, Jakarta metropolitan police said in a statement Saturday.

A specialist cyber crime unit had joined the investigation to determine whether the broadcast was deliberate or hacking was involved, the police's head of public relations Awi Setiyono said.

Police have seized a computer from the offices of a private company as part of their investigation, he added.

Access to pornographic websites is blocked in Muslim-majority Indonesia, and romantic scenes in films and television programs are heavily blurred or cut altogether by state censors.