Kapolri Diganti, KPK Nyatakan Respek pada Presiden Joko Widodo
Indonesian Anti-graft Comm. Respects President Decision on Police Chief

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015
Jenderal Pol Sutarman dan Komjen Pol Badrodin Haiti (Foto: setkab.go.id)

Jakarta (B2B) - Wakil Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Bambang Widjojanto menghormati keputusan Presiden Joko Widodo atau Jokowi yang menunjuk Komisaris Jenderal Polisi Badrodin Haiti sebagai Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Kapolri dan memberhentikan Jenderal Polisi Sutarman sebagai Kapolri.

"KPK menghormati apa yang sudah diputuskan Presiden. KPK tidak dalam kapasitas untuk mengomentari keputusan yang sudah diambil Presiden berkaitan dengan pengangkatan dan penundaan yang ada di instansi Polri," kata Wakil Ketua KPK Bambang Widjojanto melalui pesan tertulis di Jakarta, Sabtu (17/1/2015).

Presiden Jokowi mengeluarkan dua Keputusan Presiden (Keppres). Pertama, tentang pemberhentian dengan hormat Jendaral Pol Sutarman sebagai Kapolri. Kedua, penugasan Wakapolri Komjen Pol Badrodin Haiti untuk melaksanakan tugas dan wewenang tanggung jawab Kapolri.

Alasannya, Komjen Pol Budi Gunawan yang diajukan Presiden Jokowi sebagai Kapolri dan sudah mendapat persetujuan dari DPR ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dalam dugaan tindak pidana korupsi penerimaan hadiah terkait transaksi-transaski mencurigakan.

"KPK dalam kapasitas sebagai penegak hukum akan memberikan konsentrasi terhadap penanganan perkara yang menjadi kewenangannya," tambah Bambang.

Selain itu, dalam mengusut kasus Budi tersebut, KPK menurut Bambang akan tetap bekerja sama dengan lembaga penegak hukum lain.

"Kami akan menjalankan tupoksi (tugas, pokok dan fungsi) lainnya di bidang pemberantasan korupsi, serta terus dan tetap bekerja sama dengan lembaga penegak hukum dan melanjutkan program yang sudah terencana dan direncanakan, termasuk kepolisian, kejaksaan, Mahkamah Agung serta Mahkamah Konstitusi," tutur Bambang.

KPK juga segera memeriksa saksi kasus Budi mulai pekan depan. "Kita sedang menyusun jadwal penyidikan, mudah-mudahan minggu depan, kalau jadwal sudah ada, sudah ada potential witness-nya yang akan dipanggil," kata Bambang, Kamis 15 Januari.

Dalam perkara ini, KPK sudah mencegah empat orang pergi keluar negeri, mereka adalah Budi Gunawan, anak Budi Gunawan Muhammad Herviano Widyatama, asisten Budi yaitu anggota Polri Iie Tiara, serta pengajar Widyaiswara Utama Sespim Lemdikpol Inspektur Jenderal Pol Syahtria Sitepu sejak 14 Januari 2015.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian Anti-graft Commission, known as KPK, respects President Joko Widodos decision to name Commissioner General Badrodin Haiti as acting national police chief on Friday, Deputy Chief Bambang Widjojanto said in a text message on Saturday.

"KPK respects what the President has decided. KPK is not in the habit of commenting on the decision taken by the President with regards to the appointment and postponement that has taken place within the police force," he said.

President Joko Widodo had issued two decrees on Friday, dismissing General Sutarman as national police chief and replacing him with Deputy Police Chief Commissioner General Badrodin Haiti as acting national police chief.

The decision was taken after new National Police Chief hopeful Commissioner General Budi Gunawan, despite the parliaments approval, was named as a corruption suspect by the KPK in connection with the rewards he allegedly received during suspicious transactions.

"KPK, in its capacity as a law enforcement agency, will concentrate on handling the cases under its authority," Bambang stated.

With regards to Budis investigation, he said the KPK will continue to work together with other law enforcement agencies.

"We will carry out the main tasks and functions in the field of corruption eradication and continue to work along with other law enforcement agencies and programs that have been designed and planned, including our collaboration with the police force, the attorney general's office, the supreme court and the constitutional court," he added.

"We are currently chalking out a schedule for the investigation and once it is finished, we will summon the potential witnesses," he said on Thursday.

KPK has so far barred four people from leaving the country in connection with Budi Gunawans case, including Budi Gunawan himself, his son Muhammad Herviano Widyatama, Budis Assistant Police officer Iie Tiara and Inspector General Syatria Sitepu.

KPK Chief Abraham Samad reiterated that the KPK will strive to settle the case before December 2015 or by the end of the current term of KPK commissioners.

"God willing, this will be settled by the end of our term. We will concentrate on settling the case before our tenure ends. God willing, a ruling will be issued before our term ends," he said on Thursday.

Budi Gunawan has been charged for violating several articles under Law Number 31 of 1999, which was amended into Law Number 20, 2001, which governs the corrupt practices of civil servants in exchange for certain favors related to their position.

If proven guilty, Budi Gunawan may face a life in prison or four to 20 years in jail plus a maximum fine of Rp1 billion.