Transmart Carrefour Gelar Tebar Alquran `Wakaf untuk Umat`
Indonesia`s Largest Shopping Center Held the Qur´an Donation Program

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Kamis, 31 Maret 2016
Kiri ke kanan: Presiden Global Wakaf ACT, N Imam Akbari; Corporate Communication GM Transmart Carrefour, Satria Hamid; dan aktris film Laudya Cynthya Bella (Foto: B2B/Gusmiati Waris)

Jakarta (B2B) - Mulai besok, 1 April hingga 7 Juli 2016, seluruh 91 gerai Transmart Carrefour di seluruh Indonesia akan mengadakan program membeli dan mewakafkan sebuah kitab suci Alquran yang dinamai Tebar Alquran: 'Wakaf untuk Umat' sebagai hasil kerjasama dengan pemasok Alquran Darma Art.

"Konsumen Transmart Carrefour dapat membeli sebuah Alquran dan mewakafkannya agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan spritual Muslim yang membutuhkannya," kata Satria Hamid, Corporate Communication GM Transmart Carrefour kepada pers di Jakarta pada Rabu (30/3).

Dia meyakini dengan dukungan seluruh Muslim pelanggan setia Transmart Carrefour maka target 6.000 lebih Aquran dapat tersebar ke seluruh Indonesia.

Presiden Global Wakaf ACT, N Imam Akbari mengatakan transaksi dengan donasi merupakan inovatif di tengah menggeloranya semangat filantropi warga Muslim di Indonesia.

"Sinergi ACT dan Transmart Carrefour memberi pesan bahwa membeli Alquran di Carrefour berarti mewakafkan Alquran kepada Muslim lainnya dan ACT dengan senang hati mendistribusikannya," kata Imam Akbari.

Jakarta (B2B) - Starting of tomorrow, April 1 and July 7, 2016, around 91 Transmart Carrefour stores across Indonesia will hold a program buying and donating the Qur'an was called 'Waqf for the People' as the cooperation of suppliers the Qur'an, Darma Art.

"Consumers in Transmart Carrefour can buy the Qur'an and donate to another people to meet the spiritual needs of other Muslims," Satria Hamid as the GM Corporate Communication of Transmart Carrefour told reporters here on Wednesday (3/30).

He was believes with the support of all Muslims in Indonesia as a loyal customer of Transmart Carrefour then the target of 6,000 more the Qur'an can be distributed across Indonesia.

President Global Waqf of ACT, N Imam Akbari said the transaction with the donation as an innovative step to address the spirit of philanthropy Muslims in Indonesia.

"Synergy of ACT and Transmart Carrefour gave the message that buying the Qur'an in Carrefour means donating the Koran to Muslims, and of ACT gladly distribute it," Mr. Akbari said.