Rapper Profesor Green Lecehkan Istrinya Demi Sensasi di Instagram
Professor Green Shares Raunchy Snap of His Wife Millie Mackintosh Naked in the Bath

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Selasa, 08 September 2015
Foto2: MailOnline

MEREKA terganggu oleh rumor perceraian awal tahun ini. Namun Profesor Green, 31, coba membuktikan bahwa pernikahannya dengan Millie Mackintosh, 26, tidak ada masalah setelah ia mengunggah foto mereka mandi bareng pada Minggu malam.

Rapper - yang nama aslinya Stephen Manderson - menggunakan Instagram untuk berbagi foto mesra mereka, menaruh kedua kakinya untuk melindungi istrinya yang telanjang dada.

Foto umbar aurat itu, ternyata ampuh memikat perhatian 38 ribu pengguna Instagram untuk menyatakan Suka (Like) hanya dalam beberapa jam, mantan bintang Made in Chelsea tampil tanpa make-up, yang menaruh kakinya di dadanya yang telanjang.

Namun ironinya, foto tersebut memperlihatkan kulit istrinya lebih coklat darinya, sehingga tampak menyolok perbedaan kulit keduanya.

Dia menulis di samping foto: '#bathfortwo #merelysavinghermodesty #couldibeanypaler' [sic].

Pengikutnya di Instagram tampaknya menikmati foto sensual tersebut, dengan komentar:  'SANGAT MENARIK YA TUHAN.' (HOW CHEEKY IS THIS OMG.')

Lainnya menulis: "Saya sangat menyukainya'.

Ini bukan pertama kalinya rapper berbagi foto saat istrinya Millie mandi, karena meskipun istrinya sebagai mantan bintang reality TV harus menahan malu ketika difoto di kamar mandi - sebelum mengunggahnya ke internet dan menjaring satu juta pengikut, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Mengunggah kegiatan pribadi ke Instagram, sang rapper pun menulis: 'Saat janggal ketika suami Anda memergoki istri tengah mencukur 'jembinya' dan lalu memotretnya untuk diunggah.'

THEY WERE lagued by divorce rumours earlier this year. But Professor Green, 31, has proved that his marriage to Millie Mackintosh, 26, is very much still on track after he posted a photo of them naked in a bath together on Sunday evening.

Pro - real name Stephen Manderson - took to Instagram to share the saucy snap, with just his feet on show to protect his wife's modesty.

In the picture, garnered 38k likes in just a few hours, former Made In Chelsea star Millie is seen make-up free as she looks away from her husband, who rests his feet on her bare breasts.

But ironically, this draws attention to the fact that his gorgeous wife is far more tanned than him, which he makes light of in the caption.

He wrote beside the snap: '#bathfortwo #merelysavinghermodesty #couldibeanypaler' [sic].

His followers seemed to find the whole thing hilarious, writing in the comments: 'HOW CHEEKY IS THIS OMG.'

Another wrote: 'I bloody love these two'.

It's not the first time the rapper has shared a photo of Millie's bathtime habits, as he decided to leave the ex-reality TV star red-faced by snapping her shaving in the bath - before posting it for her 1million followers to see.

Uploading the private moment to Instagram, he wrote: 'That awkward moment when your husband catches you doing a spot of hair removal and decides to take a photo on your phone and post it.'