Bugil di Ruang Publik, Gabi Grecko Diselidiki Polisi Australia
Gabi Grecko to be Investigated by Victorian Police after Naked through Melbourne`s CBD

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014
Gabi Grecko dalam kegiatan sehari-hari, aksi nekat bugil di tempat umum dan bersama kekasihnya, pengusaha gaek Geoffrey Edelsten, 71 (Foto2: MailOnline)

GABI GRECKO diselidiki oleh pihak berwenang setelah videonya yang menampilkan aksi nekat telanjang bulat di sebuah pusat keramaian di Melbourne, Australia, belum lama ini.

Seorang juru bicara untuk Kepolisian Victoria mengatakan kepada Daily Mail Australia, belum lama ini, bahwa mereka menyadari insiden tersebut dan akan memeriksa apakah tuduhan perilaku ofensif atau sengaja berbuat onar dengan telanjang bulat di tempat umum.

Grecko, 25, terlihat oleh pejalan kaki yang tidak curiga termasuk sejumlah anak-anak ketika dia tampil di ajang Street Exhibition tanpa mengenakan sehelai benang pun selain, sepatu stiletto dan kerudung panjang terkait penampilannya sebagai model majalah Sneaky.

Tampil di Nine News setelah rekaman vulgar yang diupload di YouTube, model sekaligus tunangan dari pengusaha gaek Geoffrey Edelsten, 71, mengatakan dia tidak bermaksud mengundang kemarahan polisi

"Saya tidak ingin mengganggu penegakan hukum Australia saya benar-benar menghormati mereka," jelasnya.

"Bagi saya itu fashion, bagi saya itu seni - di mata orang lain saya telanjang di jalan. Saya tidak malu memperlihatkan tubuh saya dan saya yakin itu indah."

Para pejalan kaki tampak melongo saat tertangkap kamera melihat sosok model terkenal yang tampil beken sementara yang lain tak membuang kesempatan untuk merekam kejadian langka tersebut, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Tak lama kemudian terdengar suara sirine polisi meraung-raung dan Grecko tampaknya berhasil kabur tanpa diketahui seraya berteriak: '!Woo untung kita tidak tertangkap."

GABI GRECKO will be investigated by authorities after a video emerged of her skipping and twerking through Melbourne's CBD completely naked.

A spokesperson for Victoria Police told Daily Mail Australia, recently, that they are aware of the incident and will be examining whether charges of offensive behaviour or willful and obscene exposure are appropriate.

Grecko, 25, was seen by unsuspecting pedestrians including a number of children when she took to Exhibition Street in nothing but a green wig, stiletto heels and a cathedral length veil in a stunt for Sneaky magazine.

Appearing on Nine News after footage of the spectacle was uploaded on YouTube, the model and fiancee of businessman Geoffrey Edelsten, 71, said she didn't mean to 'upset' police.

'I don't want to upset the Australian law enforcement I really have respect for them,' she explained.

'To me it's fashion, to me it's art - to other people I'm naked on the street. I'm not ashamed of my body and I'm confident.'

Shocked pedestrians are caught gawking at the model's well-endowed figure while others whip out their smart phones to take a more permanent reminder of the event.

At one point sirens can be heard blaring in the background but Grecko appears to escape unnoticed saying: 'Woo we haven't got arrested yet!'