Restoran Unik, Tamu Bersantap di Ketinggian 45 Meter
Dinner in the Sky Suspends Guests 150 Feet in the Air

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Rabu, 21 Januari 2015
Tarif makan per orang sekitar Rp2,7 juta (US$230). Sebelum bersantap disarankan, khususnya tamu perempuan dianjurkan melepas sepatu hak tingginya, karena dikhawatirkan jatuh saat bersantap di ketinggian (Foto2: MailOnline)

SEBAIKNYA Anda ke kamar kecil dahulu sebelum bersantap di restoran aneh ini.

Pengalaman baru bagi mereka yang punya nyali untuk menikmati makan malam dengan tiga menu utama di ketinggian 45 meter.

Restoran yang dinamai The Dinner in the Sky - telah dibuka di beberapa kota utama di seluruh dunia, termasuk London, Dubai, Sydney dan Las Vegas - menyusul kemudian di Santa Fe, dan Mexico City.

Restoran yang dijuluki 'meja makan terbang' ini menampung 22 tamu duduk di kursi seperti digunakan pada wahana roller coaster sebelum crane diangkat naik.

Sebagian besar makanan dimasak setengah matang dan ditaruh di oven oleh staf restoran pada platform ketika mereka berada di ketinggian.

Staf restoran berdiri di tengah meja makan.

Menu khas Amerika yang lazimnya ditawarkan, tamu bisa memilih dua hidangan pembuka (appetizer), hidangan utama dan penutup.

Berat total meja makan sekitar tujuh ton.

Makan malam di ketinggian makin populer sebagai pesta bujangan, menurut pemiliknya Janeen Hinden, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Tarif makan per orang sekitar Rp2,7 juta (US$230).

Sebelum bersantap disarankan, khususnya tamu perempuan dianjurkan melepas sepatu hak tingginya, karena dikhawatirkan jatuh saat bersantap di ketinggian.

Kursi dapat diputar 360 derajat, memungkinkan para tamu untuk melihat panorama di sekitarnya.

Sementara 'venue' dapat dipesan untuk satu rombongan, biasanya tamu datang berpasangan, keluarga atau kelompok-kelompok kecil.

TOO BAD if you need to go to the bathroom!

A new experience only for the bravest of diners allows people to eat a three-course meal 150 feet in the air.

The Dinner in the Sky 'restaurant' - which has popped up all in cities all over the world, including London, Dubai, Sydney and Las Vegas - has now arrived in Santa Fe, Mexico City.

The 'flying dinner table' straps 22 guests into race car seats on the ground in a similar fashion to a roller-coaster ride before a crane lifts the party up into the air.

Most of the food is cooked in advance and finished off in a convection oven by staff on the platform when they are in the sky.

The kitchen staff stay in a space at the center of the table.

A seasonal American artisanal menu is on offer, with guests choosing from two appetizers, three entrees and dessert.

The tables weighs seven tons.

Dinner in the sky has been very popular with bachelorette parties, according to owner Janeen Hinden.

The cost per guest is 3000 pesos, which is about $230.

According to online reviews, women in heels are recommended to leave their heels or flips on the ground because your feet are dangling and you could lose them.

The seats rotate 360 degrees, allowing guests to see all of their surroundings.

While the 'venue' can be booked out for one party, typically people attend in couples, families or small groups in a shared environment.