Mentan Datang, Feedloter di Cianjur Sepakat Harga Sapi Rp38.000/Kg
Indonesian Govt Set the Price of Cattle 38,000 Rupiahs per Kg

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015
Mentan Andi Amran Sulaiman berbincang dengan direktur PT Pasir Tengah, Suryatmi (berjilbab) di Cianjur, Jabar (Foto: B2B/Mac)

Cianjur, Jawa Barat (B2B) - Setelah berhasil melobi perusahaan penggemukan sapi (feedloter) PT Tanjung Unggul Mandiri (TUM) di Tangerang, Banten pada Kamis, untuk menurunkan harga sapi Rp38.000/kg, Menteri Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman menyambangi feedloter PT Pasir Tengah di Cikalong, Cianjur, Jawa Barat untuk meminta harga daging sapi bobot hidup turun dari Rp45.000/kg menjadi Rp38.000/kg.

"Berapa bisa turun? Berarti Rp38 ribu per kg mulai hari ini, deal ya... Wartawan tulis harga daging turun dari Rp45 ribu ke Rp38 ribu, biarkan harga daging sapi bergerak di 90 ribuan, jangan di atas Rp100 ribu per kg karena masih banyak yang perlu kita pikirkan," kata Menteri Amran Sulaiman kepada direktur PT Pasir Tengah, Suryatmi di Cianjur, Jumat sore (14/8).

Suryatmi berkilah bahwa pihaknya hanya bersedia menurunkan harga sapi bobot hidup Rp40.000/kg, sementara stok di kandang mencapai 13 ribu ekor.

"Maksimal harga sapi dari feedloter Rp38 ribu per kg dan di pasaran harganya di bawah Rp100 ribuan. Kalau masih di atas Rp100 ribuan, saya akan telepon lagi, kalau perlu datang lagi ke sini untuk memaksa bukan lagi meminta secara baik-baik. Kalau ada orang di Kementan yang mempersulit, langsung laporkan saya," kata Amran Sulaiman.

Menurut Mentan, berdasarkan data Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan stok sapi di seluruh Indonesia mencapai 198 ribu ekor, dan apabila ditambah 50 ribu sapi impor berarti tersedia lebih dari 250 ribu ekor sapi.

"Berarti cukup stok untuk empat hingga lima bulan ke depan, khusus Jabodetabek butuh sekitar 40 ribu ekor sapi setiap bulan," kata Mentan yang didampingi Staf Ahli Menteri Bidang Investasi, Syukur Iwantoro.

Cianjur, Indonesia (B2B) - Having successfully lobbied Tanjung Unggul Mandiri Corp. or TUM, feedloter company in Tangerang, Banten on Thursday, to lower the price a cow 38,000 rupiahs/kg, Indonesian Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman visited the Pasir Tengah Corp. as feeloter company in Cikalong sub-district of  Cianjur istrict in West Java province to do the same, to lower the price of 45,000 rupiahs/kg to 38,000 rupiahs/kg.

"The price could be dropped? Agreed 38 thousand per kg starting today deal yeah ... The journalist wrote beef prices dropped from 45 thousand to 38 thousand rupiahs per kg, let the price of beef in the 90 thousands pr kg, not above 100 thousand dollars per kg, we are still lots of problems," said Minister Sulaiman to Suryatmi as director of Pasir Tengah Corp. here on Friday (8/14).

Mrs Suryatmi argued just want to lower the price a living cow to 40,000 rupiahs/kg, with a stock of 13,000 head of cattle.

"A maximum prices of feedloter 38 thousand rupiahs per kg, and prices of beef in the market should be under 100 thousand per kg. If it is still above 100 thousand, I´ll call again, if necessary, to come here to force, and no longer ask lower prices. If there are people in my ministry makes it difficult, report to me," Mr Sulaiman said.

According to him, based on data of the Directorate General of Livestock Animal Health stock of cattle in Indonesia reached 198,000 head of cattle, and when added 50,000 imported cattle, mean provided over 250,000 head of cattle.

"Stock for four to five months ahead enough, especially in Jakarta and surrounding areas need about 40 thousand head of cattle per month," Mr Sulaiman said who was accompanied by Expert Staff of Minister for Investment, Syukur Iwantoro.