Sekjen Kementan Ingatkan Gapki, Produksi CPO Nasional Belum Maksimal
Indonesian Govt Reminds Palm Oil Producers to Care for the Environment

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Sabtu, 04 November 2017
Menko Darmin Nasution (ke-3 kiri) membuka IPOC 2018 di Bali didampingi Sekjen Kementan Hari Priono (ke-2 kanan) Foto: Humas Kementan

Jakarta (B2B) - Pemerintah RI mengingatkan Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Gapki) bahwa produksi kelapa sawit nasional masih di bawah potensi maksimal dari total luas lahan mencapai 11,9 juta hektar dan dua juta ton di antaranya perkebunan milik rakyat, yang menghasilkan 31,5 juta ton minyak sawit (CPO) dengan total nilai ekspor nasional US$18 miliar.

"Kita harus bangga terhadap perkembangan industri kelapa sawit nasional, meskipun level produktivitas masih di bawah potensi maksimalnya," kata Sekjen Kementan, Hari Priono pada Indonesia Palm Oil Conference and Price Outlok 2018 (IPOC) di Bali, Kamis (2/11) yang hadir mewakili Menteri Pertanian Andi Amran Sulaiman.

Dia tidak menampik kendala yang dihadapi industri kelapa sawit, khususnya perkebunan milik rakyat yang terkendala akses permodalan, di sisi lain isu negatif tentang kelapa sawit di pasar internasional yang dikaitkan dengan isu lingkungan juga menyudutkan industri sawit nasional.

"Kita sudah sepakat untuk melakukan kampanye positif agar pembangunan perkebunan sawit ke depan tidak lagi dikaitkan dengan masalah lingkungan," kata Hari Priono.

Dia mengingatkan bahwa pemerintah terus mendorong komitmen pihak swasta, pemilik perkebunan besar untuk mendukung petani kelapa sawit terhadap tata kelola kelapa sawit berkelanjutan sesuai UU No 39/2009, dan sampai saat ini Kementan telah menerbitkan 300.000 sertifikat ISPO untuk 1,8 juta hektar lahan kelapa sawit yang memproduksi 8,5 juta ton CPO.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian government reminds the Indonesian Palm Oil Association, or GAPKI, that the national crude palm oil production is below maximum potential of 11.9 million hectares and two million tons of palm oil smallholder with total production of 31.5 million tons and total exports worth US$18 billion, accoding to senior official.

"We should be proud of the national palm oil industry, although productivity is still below the maximum potential," said Secretary General of the Agriculture Ministry, Hari Priono on the sidelines of the palm oil conference on the resort island of Bali on Thursday (November 2).

He did not dismiss the constraints facing the palm oil industry, especially the people's plantations that constrained business capital, on the other hand, the negative issue of palm oil in the international market linked to environmental issues has influenced the development of the national palm oil industry.

"We agree to a positive campaign for the development of palm oil are no longer inhibited by environmental issues," he said.
He reminded that the government continues to encourage the commitment of the private sector, owners of large estates, to support farmers on sustainable palm oil according to regulations, and until now the ministry has issued 300,000 certificates for 1.8 million hectares of palm oil with production of 8.5 million tons.