Harga Daging Sapi Naik karena Ketentuan Kemenkeu, Bukan Lantaran Kebijakan Kementan, kata Legislator
10% of Value Added Tax on Imported Cattle Trigger a Rise Beef Prices in Indonesia

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Senin, 25 Januari 2016
Wakil Ketua Komisi IV DPR, Herman Khaeron meninjau peternakan sapi lokal, dan Mentan mendorong peternak lokal meningkatkan kualitas sapinya (Foto2: istimewa & Humas Kementan)

Jakarta (B2B) - Wakil Ketua Komisi IV DPR, Herman Khaeron menilai kenaikan harga daging sapi dalam sepekan ini bukan lantaran kebijakan Kementerian Pertanian RI, melainkan dampak dari ketentuan Kementerian Keuangan melalui Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. 267/PMK.010/2015 tentang Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) 10% pada hewan ternak impor.

"Harga daging sapi naik akibat peraturan menteri keuangan yang menerapkan PPN 10 persen pada hewan ternak impor, ini bukan karena kebijakan Kementan," kata Herman Khaeron ketika dihubungi via ponselnya pada Sabtu sore (23/1).

Menurutnya, aturan tersebut memiliki tujuan positif untuk memproteksi sapi lokal dan kepentingan para peternak, tapi seharusnya Kementerian Keuangan melakukan kajian terhadap ketersediaan sapi lokal dan pasokan daging sapi di dalam negeri.

"Kalau begini kan semua kena dampaknya, bukan hanya sapi impor tapi peternak sapi lokal terkena dampaknya. Mestinya Kementerian Keuangan melakukan sosialisasi dulu, dan tidak asal menerapkan aturan yang malah jadi blunder," kata politisi dari Partai Demokrat.

Sebagaimana diketahui, penerapan PPN 10% sejak 8 Januari 2015 hanya menyasar sapi impor termasuk sapi bakalan sehingga harga daging sapi impor naik signifikan, begitu pula dengan harga daging sapi lokal ikut melonjak hingga Rp135.000 per kg.

Kondisi ini, tentu saja merugikan para peternak sapi khususnya industri penggemukan sapi (feedloter), dan untuk mendatangkan sapi bakalan, feedlot harus membayar Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) 2,5% dan bea masuk impor 5%. Beban industri makin berat karena harus menanggung PPN 10%.

"Saya apresiasi upaya Mentan meningkatkan produksi sapi lokal dan pasokan daging sapi tapi kenaikan daging bukan karena kebijakan Kementan, tapi akibat PPN 10%," kata Herman.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian member of parliament (MP) Herman Khaeron Herman Khaeron said beef prices rose in the past week not because the policy of the Ministry of Agriculture, but the impact of the financial ministerial decree No. 267/PMK.010/2015 on value added tax (VAT) of 10% on imported cattle.

"Beef prices rose as a result of the financial ministerial decree who apply the VAT of 10 percent on imported cattle, this is not because ministry of agriculture policy," said Mr Khaeron as the Vice Chairman of Commission IV of the House of Representatives via cell phone on Saturday afternoon (1/23).

According to him, the rule of positive aims to protect local cattle and dairy farmers, but the Ministry of Finance should conduct a study availability of local cattle and beef supply in the country before applying the rules.

"Now all affected, not just beef imports, local farmers was affected. The Ministry of Finance should first socialize, and do not apply the rules now become blunder," Mr Khaeron said who was the politician of the Democratic Party.

As known, the implementation of VAT to 10% since January 8, 2015 targeting only imported cattle, including calves so that the price of imported beef goes up, so does the price of local beef also rose to 135,000 rupiahs per kg.

This condition is a burden on entrepreneurs of cattle, and for the import of cows, the employer must pay income tax of 2.5% and 5% the import duty and must pay 10% VAT.

"I was appreciation of agriculture minister increase the production of local cattle and beef supply, but the rise in meat prices is not because the ministry policy but because of VAT 10%," Mr Khaeron said.