Koruptor Tajir: Sore Keluar Lapas dan Subuh Balik Lagi, kata Abraham
Corruptors Rich: an Afternoon Out of Prison and Back at Dawn, said Abraham
Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Koruptor tidak akan jera di penjara apabila mereka bisa membayar petugas lembaga pemasyarakatan untuk tidak bermalam di tahanan. Modusnya, koruptor berkantong tebal keluar penjara setelah apel sore di lembaga pemasyarakatan dan kembali saat subuh sebelum dilaksanakan apel pagi.
Sinyalemen tersebut dikemukakan Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Abraham Samad tentang ulah koruptor kaya yang bisa 'membayar' petugas Lapas untuk bebas berkeliaran di luar penjara setelah maghrib dan kembali setelah subuh keesokan harinya.
"Apa yang mereka lakukan sama seperti pergi ke kantor. Pergi pagi setelah subuh dan pulang ke rumah setelah maghrib. Mereka tidak jera," kata Abraham di depan peserta seminar di Hotel Borobudur Jakarta, Kamis (9/5).
Menurut Abraham, memberantas korupsi tidak akan tuntas apabila penanganannya secara konvensional. Pemberantasan korupsi harus dengan cara luar biasa.
Jakarta (B2B) - Corruptors will not be a deterrent in prison if they could pay for prison officers to not spend the night in custody. Modus, deep pockets corruptors out of jail after an afternoon assemblyin prisons, and return to prison at dawn before the morning assembly.
The indication was stated by the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Abraham Samad about wealthy corruptors act 'pay' prison officers, prison after sunset to exit and return to prison after dawn the next day.
"What they are doing is like going to the office. Depart in the morning after dawn and go home after sunset.'s Why they are not a deterrent," said Abraham in front of the participants of the seminar at Hotel Borobudur Jakarta, Thursday (9/5).
According to Abraham, eradicating corruption will not be completed if the conventional treatment. Eradication of corruption should be an extraordinary way.