Anas Urbaningrum Diminta Pengacara SBY untuk Jujur
Indonesian President`s Lawyer Askes Anas Urbaningrum to be Honest
Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Palmer Situmorang, pengacara Pengacara Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono meminta mantan Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Anas Urbaningrum berkata jujur terkait kasus dugaan penerimaan gratifikasi pembangunan Pusat Pendidikan, Pelatihan dan Sekolah (P3SON) di Hambalang dan proyek-proyek lain yang membelitnya.
"AU (Anas Urbaningrum) perlu berjiwa besar untuk menerima proses hukum yang sedang dijalani terkait kasus korupsi yang membelit dirinya. Publik pun telah dewasa untuk menyaring setiap kebenaran dan kebohongan karena itu, percuma kalau tujuannya adalah kampanye negatif," kata Ketua Tim Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum SBY Palmer Situmorang dalam pernyataan tertulis di Jakarta, Rabu.
Anas pada pemeriksaannya Jumat pekan lalu membawa laporan audit kampanye Presiden SBY pada 2009 berjudul "Laporan Akuntan Independen atas Penerapan Prosedur yang Disepakati terhadap Laporan Penerimaan dan Penggunaan Dana Kampanye Pemilihan Umum Presiden dan Wakil Presiden tahun 2009 Pasangan Calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono-Boediono serta Tim Kampanye Nasional" ke KPK.
Anas mengaku menangkap keanehan sumber penyumbang kampanye di dalam laporan tersebut, misalnya ada penyumbang yang tidak terdaftar dan sebaliknya ada nama penyumbang korporasi dan perseorangan.
"Sulit untuk memahami kejiwaan AU atas tindakan yang terus melontarkan kebohongan kepada publik terkait SBY dan keluarga. Kami yakin KPK profesional dan tidak tertipu dengan kebohongan AU, kami serahkan sepenuhnya masalah ini kepada KPK," tambah Palmer.
Sejumlah pernyataan Anas dinilai Palmer bertentangan dengan data KPK dari keterangan saksi lainnya, misalnya, pernyataan mengenai uang muka pembelian mobil Toyota Harrier sebesar Rp250 juta.
"Namun, KPK sendiri sudah membantah bahwa bukti maupun keterangan saksi telah membuktikan bahwa sumber dana pembelian Toyota Harier berasal dari perusahaan Nazaruddin," ungkap Palmer.
Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonos lawyer Palmer Situmorang asked former chairman of the Democratic Party Anas Urbaningrum to give the right information regarding a corruption case that he was facing.
"AU (Anas Urbaningrum) should have a large heart and accept the legal process for a corruption case that he was facing. The public were mature enough to differentiate between truths and lies, so it was useless to conduct a negative campaign," Situmorang, the chairman of Yudhoyonos advocate and legal consultant team, said in a statement released here on Wednesday.
He said Anas often gave wrong information about the president and his family. "But, we are confident that the KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) was professional and will not be deceived by AUs lies. We leave it fully to the KPK," he said.
Anas had lied about Rp250 million that he said he received from Yudhoyono to buy a Toyota Harrier car for him and about US$200 thousand from the Hambalang project for Edhi Baskoro, popularly known as Ibas, a son of the president, the lawyer added.
"It was not true that Ibas received the money. If there was proof, please give it to the institution investigating the case," he said.
On March 28, Anas Urbaningrum presented to the KPK the partys financial report during the 2009 presidential election containing what he claimed were "fictitious campaign donors."
"Here is the report containing the results of the audit," he told journalists while showing the reports front cover shortly after arriving at the antigraft agencys office.
The report was titled "Independent Accountants Report on the Implementation of Agreed Procedures of Receiving and Using Funds for Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono-Boediono Pair in the 2009 Presidential Elections and National Campaign Team."
Anas further said he received what he claimed was the partys financial report from someone about 10 months ago. After studying the reports content, he found a discrepancy regarding the list of names of campaign donors.
"KPK needs to investigate this," he asserted, adding that among the corporates and individual donors, whose names were included in the list, there were also fictitious ones.