Sekolah RSBI Dibubarkan Pemprov DKI untuk Patuhi Vonis MK
School RSBI Disestablished City Government to Obey Court Verdict
Reporter : Rahmat Kartolo
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu
![Sekolah RSBI Dibubarkan Pemprov DKI untuk Patuhi Vonis MK]( label sekolah (hukumonline com) b.jpg)
Jakarta (B2B) - Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta akan membubarkan 49 sekolah berstatus Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar Internasional (RSBI) menyikapi putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) yang membatalkan aturan RSBI dan SBI di di Pasal 50 Ayat (3) UU Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (Sisdiknas).
Berdasarkan data Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta, saat ini di ibukota terdapat terdapat 49 sekolah berstatus RSBI, terdiri dari delapan sekolah tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD), 15 tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), 10 tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dan 16 sekolah tingkat Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK).
Kepala Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta, Taufik Yudi Mulyanto menegaskan, terkait keputusan MK, Pemprov DKI Jakarta juga akan membubarkan RSBI pada 49 sekolah ditingkat SD hingga SMA dan SMK.
"Terkait dengan keputusan MK tentang penghapusan label RSBI, dinas pendidikan melakukan rapat dengan para kabid (kepala bidang) dan 49 kepala sekolah RSBI, yang menghasilkan beberapa keputusan berikut. Label RSBI di semua sekolah dihilangkan atau ditutup," kata Taufik Yudi di Jakarta, Rabu (9/1).
Penghapusan label RSBI itu, lanjut Taufik, merupakan bentuk respons cepat Pemprov DKI terhadap putusan MK. Dia menekankan meski label RSBI dihapuskan, namun pihaknya akan mempertahankan mutu pendidikan terhadap sekolah-sekolah tersebut.
Jakarta (B2B) - Jakarta administration will dissolve 49 schools existed Stubs International Standard School (RSBI) respond to the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which overturned the rules RSBI in Article 50 Paragraph (3) of the National Education System ((Sisdiknas).
Based on data from Jakarta Education Agency, currently there are 49 schools in the capital city RSBI status, consists of eight elementary schools (SD), 15 levels of Junior High School (SMP), 10 high school (SMA) and 16 primary schools Vocational School (SMK).
Head of Jakarta Education Agency, Taufik Yudi Mulyanto affirmed, related Court decisions, the city government will also dissolve RSBI in 49 school level, elementary through high school and vocational school.
"In connection with the decision of the Court on the elimination of labels RSBI, education department held a meeting with the Head (chief) and 49 principals RSBI, which generate some of the following decisions. Labels RSBI in all schools removed or closed down," said Taufik Yudi on Wednesday (9/1).
Removal RSBI label, continued Taufik, a form of rapidly response to the decision of the Court. He stressed although RSBI label removed, but it will maintain the quality of education for the schools.