Monorel, PT Jakarta Monorail Proyeksikan BEP di 2027

PT Jakarta Monorail Project to Reach BEP in 2027

Reporter : Roni Said
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Monorel, PT Jakarta Monorail Proyeksikan BEP di 2027

Jakarta (B2B) -  PT Jakarta Monorail, perusahaan pengelola kereta monorel di Jakarta, memproyeksikan mencapai pengembalian investasi atau break even point (BEP) pada 2027. Proyek MRT diperkirakan rampung pada 2016, dan beroperasi komersial pada awal 2017.

Direktur Teknis PT Jakarta Monorel, Rosa Bovanantoo mengatakan proyeksi tersebut berdasarkan tarif tiket yang akan dipungut setara US$1 per penumpang. Proyek ini menelan investasi sekitar US$1,5 miliar atau sekitar Rp16 triliun.

"Untuk tahap awal, perusahaan akan mengoperasikan 75 kereta monorel. Pada setiap kereta monorel, akan terdapat empat hingga enam gerbong. Setiap kereta dapat mengangkut penumpang hingga 900 ribu penumpang," kata Rosa.

Jakarta (B2B) - PT Jakarta Monorail, the company operating the Jakarta monorail trains, projects breakeven point (BEP) in 2027. The project will be completed in 2016, but the operation is to commence in 2017.

Technical Director of PT Jakarta Monorail, Rosa Bovanantoo said this projection is based on ticket rate calculation set at US$1 per passenger. The project requires an investment of US$1.5 billion or around Rp16 trillion.

"At the initial stage, the company will operate 75 monorail trains. In one series of monorail train, there are four to six train coaches. Each train series has a capacity of approximately 900,000 passengers," Rosa said.